Simple Life

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Mark was looking at the state of his house, he walked around inspecting the various holes and broken doors and sighed as his shoulders slumped "My Landlord is going to kill me..." he said to himself, he heard Kara giggle as she floated behind him putting her arms around his neck kissing him on the cheek "Maybe we could afford to be a little less rough" Mark said but yelped when Kara bit his ear for even suggesting such a thing.

"Why not just build a house?" Kara asked as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"Are you an idiot? I can't just build a house" Mark replied

"I can't just build a house," she said in a mocking voice. "Read a book asshole, you have super strength and super speed, you can finish a book in like 10 minutes"

"Pffft you are oversimplifying things, A lot of things go into a house you know," Mark said with a raised eyebrow

"Sounds like you're overcomplicating things, Just build a foundation and go from there, humans do it all the time" Kara replied.

Mark sighs and just chooses to ignore her, though she does bring up a good point he can't exactly keep living here when he spent most of his time with a girl who loved rough sex and also happened to be capable of punching a hole through a mountain. 'Things to think about later' he thought to himself as he walked back into his kitchen through the destroyed backdoor.

"You know I never got around to asking, but why are you in Smallville?" Kara asked as she followed him inside, she sat down on one of the few chairs that were not broken.

Mark shrugged "Needed a place to hide Batman seems to have a hate boner for me right now, not sure why" Though he did suspect it had something to do with his dad, there was a lot he didn't know and he'd have to investigate, but for now he'd lay low and get better at using his powers.

Kara makes an 'O' with her mouth "Oh I forgot you were a criminal, must've been pretty good if you got Batman on you"

Mark snorted "I was a criminal for less than 2 days before I ran into Batman" Mark walked over to his fridge which was thankfully still working and pulled some juice out, he poured both him and Kara a cup and sat next to her.

Kara took a sip before looking at him "Why did you do it... become a criminal I mean?"

Mark shrugged once again "Couldn't afford college, and I hated watching my mom going to a job that she hated every day just for my sake, was gonna do a few jobs and move us to Metropolis, though I don't see that happening now" Mark said with a sigh.

"What will my cousin think of me, my boyfriend being such a hardened criminal" she said in a dramatic voice before she started laughing.

"Oh so I'm your boyfriend now, a little presumptuous of you," Mark said with a raised eyebrow. Kara floated from her seat and straight onto Mark's lap putting her arms around his shoulders.

"You feel it as much as I do, I feel calm and contented when I'm with you," She said with her face close to Mark's own.

"I also refuse to give my Virginity to... what was it you humans call it? Oh yeah, a one-night stand" she continued making Mark laugh slightly.

"Well, I suppose I could put up with you for a while longer, or at least until I'm thrown in whatever jail you and your friends have," Mark said with a smile.

Kara shook her head "I will keep you a secret, I'm not sure why they seem so desperate to capture you but I will not have my first boyfriend be someone I visit in jail, reminds me of a TV show I watched" she said with a shudder.

Mark smiles at her "I appreciate the help... since we'll be staying with each other for a while how about you help me get started on this house you said I should build"

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