Enemy Within

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With the door shut and his team hidden from possible enemy patrols Dick leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief, while the plan had sort of gone to hell they'd at least managed to get things back on track 'Megan, anything from Mark?' He asked as he turned to the Martian who was standing in the middle of the room next to their host.

Megan turned to him and shook her head 'Nothing yet, I believe he may have cut the connection on his end,' she stated.

'Can he even do that?' Donna asked as she stood by the window keeping an eye out.

'His race has minor telepathic abilities so it's possible,' Dick explained. After taking a second to calm down he pushed himself off the door "You are late." The woman next to Megan said with an unamused expression on her face.

"There were some complications..." Dick tried to joke around as he smiled, though he could see that she still had the same unamused expression on her face and so his smile died down "This may be just a game to you and your super friends, but I do not find this nearly as amusing!" She shouted in a low voice as she stomped over to Dick.
She had long black hair and light brown skin, she was quite beautiful or at least she would've been if she didn't have a scowl on her face.

"I assure you we take this-"

"This is my country! My home! There is too much and too many people relying on this moment... so no more mistakes." She said as she took a breath and calmed herself down.

"I'm sorry... Miss?" Dick said not able to think of anything else to say.

The woman ignored him at first "There were meant to be five were there not? Where are they?" She asked.

"He distracted the anti-air artillery so we could land safely," Connor chimed in as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed "Thanks for the heads up on that by the way." He said a little sourly.

However the woman didn't look perturbed "I am Clara, that is all you need to know," she said as she walked to the next room, she came out a second later bringing three duffle bags which she throws on the ground.

"The girls is on the left, you two can decide who gets the others, tell me when you're ready," she said before leaving the room.

"Charming..." Dick said before walking down to the back and unzipping it, inside was a smart white shirt with dress pants and a red vest and bow tie, something he quickly recognised as a waiters uniform 'Not too bad...' he thought to himself as he started going through different possible plans once he got inside 'People don't see Waiters so that should give me a little wiggle room when moving around, and with Megan able to go invisible we shouldn't have any issues finding the stockpile of products,' he thought as he whipped the clothes out of the bag and started to get changed.

Connor pushed himself off the wall and walked to the bag before kneeling down and opening it "No." he said after one look and he stood up and went back to leaning against the wall. Donna was curious and looked inside of Connor's bag, with a confused expression she took out his outfit which turned out to be nothing more than leather pants with chains that were supposed to be used as suspenders and a luchador mask. Dick couldn't help but laugh under his breath even when faced with the glare that Connor was sending his way.

"What a curious outfit..." Donna said as she inspected the outfit, Megan couldn't help the intense blush that appeared on her face when she looked at the outfit and then at Connor.

"I'm not wearing it," Connor said in a blunt tone.

Dick having finished laughing sighed, he knew Connor wouldn't budge on this and so he relented, out of everyone there he had to least to lose if his secret identity was leaked, and that was because he didn't have much of a secret identity in the first place. He was as much Superboy as he was Connor, perhaps even more so "Fine but change your shirt, that S will just be a giant target." Dick stated.

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