Kryptonian Bargain Sale

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Dick was on the ground in the warehouse trying to get the teleport transponders to work; he was hoping that he would be able to bypass the communications jam by turning them on. If he couldn't he wasn't sure what he'd do, as he was too injured to fight let alone try and escape from this place 'I have to get Megan out of her, she won't last much longer without treatment,' he thought to himself as he looked over to his unconscious teammate. Sometimes it was easy to forget how much damage a person like Superman could do if they were unrestrained and had no moral qualms about harming someone —if he was honest it scared him.

Turning the dial counter-clockwise a green button lit up. Daemon quickly pressed the button and the top of the transponder lit up before it connected to the other three transponders that he had previously turned on. On the floor was an empty room, one where Dick suspected the warehouse products would be stored. However, he cast these thoughts away and quickly brought up his communicator "Nightwing to Watchtower can you read me!" He said a little desperately. What followed next were the longest seconds of Dicks life; his heart beat rapidly in his chest as he waited for a reply from the other side.

"This is Batman, go ahead,"

Dick almost felt like laughing he was so relieved though he had a job to do and quickly composed himself "Batman we are in quite a bit of trouble we need backup, the Joker showed up with Bizarro, Miss Martian is down and needs medical assistance!"

"Nightwing! Calm down," Batman replied.

Nightwing took a second to compose himself again as he was still pretty hysteric "The moment we crossed into Bialya we were shot down by anti-air artillery capable of seeing through the ships cloaking, Mark is MIA, once me and Miss Martian reached the storeroom we encountered the Joker who was with Bizarro. Bizarro easily took me and Miss Martian out while the Joker left with something called the Ganali Device," Dick explained as clearly as he could.

"What about the rest of your team?" Batman asked.

"The last we heard from them the auction room had erupted into chaos, without Miss Martian we can't reestablish the link," Dick explained to him.

"We need reinforcements otherwise-"

"Negative, any reinforcements we send won't reach you, there are thousands of villains and even more soldiers surrounding you," Batman said bluntly. As hard as this was for Batman to do he couldn't risk sending any more heroes in just to be killed; they had a shortage as it was so losing even more would be catastrophic for them.

"Move on to Plan Gamma, drop Miss Martian through the teleporter and I'll make sure she receives medical attention," Batman stated.

"Plan Gamma..." Dick said slowly as he tried to confirm whether he was hearing his mentor correctly.

"Affirmative, make sure to destroy everything we can't afford to let anything get into circulation in the underworld," Batman repeated.

"Acknowledged..." Dick said rather sombrely as he put his communicator down. Plan Gamma was the plan if everything goes wrong; Dick was taught by Batman to turn these transponders into one big implosion grenade which should be big enough to destroy the entire palace.

"I guess I'm not getting out of here after all..." he said with a bitter chuckle.


"What are you thinking!!!" Diana shouted at Batman as she spun his chair around —just after he ended the call with Nightwing.

"I'm sorry Diana but we have no choice, the mission was dangerous, to begin with, the team knew that," Batman said with a slight hint of regret.

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