Part One: Running Somewhere New

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Grabbing the keys to the mail, she skipped down the stairs of your Los Angeles home. It was spacious and big, considering her parents' career choices as musicians.

"Solana! Honey, get the mail for me, please!" Her mother had shouted from the kitchen.

"Alright!" She shouted back, slightly annoyed that she was yelling at her for something she was already on her way to do. Walking down a few houses and across the street in the summer sun to retrieve the mail, her mother so desired. She remembered she had said something about ordering some new strings for her bass and a new effects pedal for her father, who seemed to be stuck at the studio producing music for some amateur band in the label he works under. The mail box creeks open as she grabs the stacks of envelopes, packages, and the heavy box that contained the effect pedal. Cursing under her breath as the mail slipped right past her sweaty hands. Fuck this summer heat.


Just as she bent down to retrieve the fallen envelopes, footsteps bound to her. Glancing at the crisp and clean white Nikes paired with far too baggy jeans, she looked up at the person who stood over her.

"Want some help?" He asked. She squinted her eyes at the bright sun, but as he kneeled down to help her, she got a better look at him. Long ash-brown dreads that were nearly blonde at the ends, an extra large shirt that could fit her like a dress.

"Ah, yeah... thank you," Solana quickly said. He handed the mail to her as they both stood up. He was tall, very tall.

"Here," He smiled, handing one last envelope to her. She adjusted the mess in her hands to get a proper grip on everything. He had those kinds of eyes, those pretty brown eyes that reminded her of chocolate. Sweet and desirable. The lip ring on his lip twirled as he played with it with his tongue.

"I appreciate the help," She smiled awkwardly at him, suddenly finding it hard to compose herself under his calm gaze.

"Of, I'm Tom," He said. He almost held his hand out for her to shake but then remembered her hands were currently full. She took note of the slight accent he had but decided not to comment or think too much about that for now.

"Lana, did you just move here?" She asked.

"Kind of we live in those apartments," He pointed to the luxury apartments just a few streets over.

"Then what are you doing all the way over here?" Lana asked curiously. He held up the pack of cigarettes, a bag of chips, and a bottle of Coca-Cola from the local drug store bag.

"Ah," She nodded once, chuckling weakly.

"My brother, Bill, sent me to- um get some things for him," He stuttered with a small laugh.

"Oh, it's just you and your brother? How old are you?" She asked.

"We're seventeen, we're twins," He nodded.

"I'm sixteen, how did you manage to buy cigarettes? I've been trying all year, and they still haven't sold any to me," Lana pouted a bit in jealousy.

Tom shrugged.

"I must look older to you Americans," He half-joked. Lana rolled her eyes with a laugh, the butterflies already fluttering in her stomach. 'Hardly,' She commented.

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