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Bill turned at the sound of her voice, startled at first when he heard the door open but visibly relaxed once he saw her face.

Lana…why are you up?” He asked, fully turning to her as she approached him.

Why are you up?” She retorted as she arched her brow. Bill chuckled, flashing his teeth a bit as she looked away and shrugged, suddenly distracted by the city.

Couldn’t sleep…” He answered.

Yeah…me too,” She stood beside him. Bumping her shoulder into his, he hums and looks at her. He almost found that hard to believe as he heard the late-night activities her and Tom were doing just a couple of hours ago. She gazes at him, then to his fingers that held the cigarette. She wiggled her brows for a second and grinned. Bill chuckled again, but this time in defeat as he handed it off to her. She takes a hit and blows the smoke out, relaxing more into her surroundings.

Are you okay?” She asked him. “Because Tom was kind of weird earlier,”
Bill heavily sighs and nods.

Yeah, you know…that’s what it’s like having a sibling…a twin no less,” He played it off as she handed the smoking stick back to him.
I wouldn’t know,” She shrugged. “But I’m sorry for all of that-”

Please don’t feel the need to apologize for him just because you’re dating him,” Bill's words caught her off guard as he interrupted her. Lana nods once and stays quiet. Bill could feel the awkwardness already settling in.

Listen, I don’t take anything he says to heart, that’s just how we are as brothers, we like to mess around with each other and make jokes…besides I’ve dealt with people way worse,”
Lana looks at him, but Bill avoids her gaze.

What do you mean?” She asks. Bill hesitates and pushes himself off of the railing and walks to sit down on the furniture. He pats the spot beside him as Lana watches him from her standing spot. She quickly skips to the couch and plops herself beside him, sitting with her legs criss-crossed. Turning herself to him fully and leaning her back against the armrest, letting him know that he had her full attention.
Bill inhales slightly, closing his mouth, not finding the right words to use yet.

I was…bullied a lot in school…we both were, Tom and I,” He started. “But for some reason, after we started our band, that just made us an easy target
Lana rested her head on her hand as she listened. Bill tapped the ash from the cigarette into an ash-tray.

For years, the more popular we got in the media, the more people started talking more and more…they would say the worst things you could think like…about the way we looked, about my style…when we were younger our stepfather even had to pick us up from school to save us from getting beat up…and it wasn’t just the students,” He shook his head and swallowed thickly as he bitterly looked at the cigarette, remembering the torture he went through in school.

The teachers would refuse to teach us just because of the way we were dressed or we weren’t allowed to go to gym class with make-up and piercings…But whenever they would tell me ‘No’ I would come back the next day, with more makeup and dressed even crazier than the day before,” Bill looks at Lana, a small smile on his face as he tried to finish it off on a nicer note. She gave him a sad smile as she nodded.

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