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Lana was woken up by her father knocking on her door.
"Hey, Cariña, are you ready? We have to be in the studio by 1:30," He reminded her. Lana sighs, throwing the blankets off of her body as she begrudgingly stands and walks over to her bathroom to shower and get ready. Lana was only slightly dreading the day her band finally started recording their first album. That meant her schedule would only get busier and busier if the band gained that popularity they always hoped to get.
After months of writing anything and everything she could to turn into lyrics, she was finally about to produce those into something amazing. After her shower, she gets dressed, a black 'Green Day' shirt, dark gray cargo pants, and simple black Converse shoes. She did her makeup and exited her room. Her and her father silently sat in the car on the way to the recording studio, watching as the sun began to rise higher and higher in the sky as the clouds began to disperse. She nervously played with the chain on her belt as she listened to the rock music playing on the radio. Upon her arrival, she met up with the other three members of 'Breaking Point'.
The sibling guitar and bass duo, Ryder and Blake Evans. They tuned their instruments as they bickered back and forth while the drummer, Bianca Gomez, was twirling a single drumstick in her hand as she sipped the latte in the Starbucks cup. Lana knew Ryder and Blake since they were in middle school, but the twins had moved to a different school after their freshman year. Bianca was fairly new to Lana, as Lana had only met her through Blake since Bianca was childhood friends with the twins
Fortunately, Lana and Biance had quickly become friends fairly quickly when Bianca and Lana had a lot in common when it came to growing up in a mixed-cultured household, as well as many other things.
Soon after they were done warming up, they started recording the first song, 'That's What You Get'. After hours of recording one song, they took a break. Lana sat on the couch in the studio as she read the lyrics over and over in her book.
"Which one are you reading?" Ryder asked as he sat himself beside her, interested in what she was reading. She fidgeted with the pencil in her hand as she fixed and changed a few lyrics that didn't sound quite right to her.
"Hm? Oh..." She glances at him before looking down at her book.
"Misery Business," She pointed, turning the book to him as he read over her, slightly bad but still readable, handwriting.
"You wrote all of the songs for the album?" He asked.
"Not entirely, the producers helped revive some lyrics, my friend Bill helped me a little..my dad and your sister helped a lot too," She said her eyes glancing over to Blake, Ryders sister, as she sat with Bianca, talking rather closely as Bianca giggled at whatever Blake had said.
Ryder nodded, impressed with what they had come up with as he flipped through the book while Lana picked up her quitar to quietly strum over the strings, listening to the quiet humming of the notes In the back of the songbook, there was a piece of paper that looked older and worn compared to the rest of the book. It was stapled to the last page as it was folded. Before he could unfold it, he turned to Lana.
"What's this?" He asked, showing her the page. She set the guitar on the small coffee table and took the book back, with no sense of urgency, but still held the book close to her chest as she closed it.
"A song I can't seem to let go of," She answered. "I've been writing it since I was thirteen,"
"You ever gonna use it for an album?" Ryder asked, his blue eyes trying to find her hazel ones. She shyly shook her head.
"I don't think so...I keep rewriting it, and it just never seems perfect to me," She explained.
Before Ryder could respond, Lana's father queued them that they were set to record again. After recording almost the entirety of their day, 'Breaking Point' was finally free.They packed up their things, and Lana stood and talked with Bianca.
"We're actually gonna get some food, wanna come?" She asked. Lana paused before looking at her phone to check the digital time on the screen. Part of her wanted to just go to bed and sleep away the rest of the night, but part of her also wanted to go out with her friends to get comfortable around them, especially now since they're going to be around each other much more.
"Um..yeah sure," She shook her head. After telling her dad that she was leaving with the band to get food, he gave her a kiss on the head and wished her to stay safe before she joined Ryder in the front seat as he drove the large white truck. Blake and Bianca were in the back as they drove through the busy nightlife of Hollywood to get some fast food. She sat beside Bianca as they ate their fries and burgers. With the exception of Blake, who opted to just have some fries and a milkshake. The siblings were arguing about what they wanted to do for the weekend.
"What would you guys want to do?" Ryder asked the two girls across from him.
"I don't care...it's whatever you guys want to do," Bianca shrugged.
"You're no help," Ryder rolls his blue eyes. Earning a slap on the arm from his sister.
"What about you, Lana?" She asked.
"I actually can't this weekend...My friends are throwing a listening party for their new albums before they release it," She mentioned. She quickly cleared her throat.
"I can ask if you guys can go...if you want," She quickly spoke, thinking it would be rude if she didn't invite them. The siblings looked at each other and shrugged.
"Maybe, we might go down to Venice to catch some waves, but if we're up for it we'll let you know," Ryder nods.
"I love the beach, I wish you could come, Lana," Biance spoke, pulling her dyed-blonde hair into a ponytail as she drank her chocolate shake.
"Yeah the waves were looking nice when we went last week," Blake smirked.
"Maybe next time, I'm gonna be busy helping them set up and stuff..." She bit her cheek as she spit the white lie, making it out that she was busier than she actually was.
She just really didn't like the beach. Especially Venice.
After a long night of eating, arcade games, and smoking a joint in the hills to look out at the skyline, Lana was finally home. She threw herself on the fluffy mattress and almost immediately fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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