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While she was stirring in her sleep, Lana heard some movement in the room. Her dry eyes opened slowly, and it was dark wherever she was. She sat up on the soft cushions she previously laid on, leaning back on her elbows.

"Lana," a voice whispered.
As if on instinct, she pulled her hand into a fist and nearly screamed as she thrust her fist forward, making contact with whoever was in the room with her. She fumbles to turn the light on that sat on the table beside the couch.

"Oh Jesus," She said in relief, placing her hand over her eyes in embarrassment as she watched as Tom sat up from the floor, pulling a pained face as he groaned.

"You could have killed me," He commented, rubbing his cheek with a scoff.

"Good..." She tiredly sighs as she rubs her eyes, cursing as she looks at the black smudges on her fingers. Once she got a better look at her surroundings, she remembered she was at the apartment. 'That makes more sense,' she thought to herself.

"God, what are you doing here?" She asked, vexed that her drunken sleep was interrupted.

"I wanted to talk about earlier..." She scoffs at his words and lays back down on the couch, facing away from him.

"Lana, did someone say something to you?" He asked, kneeling down on the floor beside her, resting his elbows on the couch cushion. She pauses and smacks her tongue a bit in a 'tsk'.

"I know how you are Tom...I've seen it, the way you talk about girls in your interviews, the photographs people have taken of you with a different girl every time...you toss them away like they were nothing, I just don't want to end up like that too," She explained with her back still towards him. Tom was only lucky that she didn't witness his antics first hand. "And the things people have been telling me, I just -"

"Who talked to you? Was it Bill?" He asked, standing from the floor and sitting on the couch beside hers, watching her. She turns over to look at him and hushes him, reminding him to lower his voice so as to not wake the others up.

"Come on," He quickly stood waiting for her to stand as well, pointing with his eyes in the direction of his room. She hesitantly stood, then stumbled to the hallway towards his room. He turned off the light and followed behind her. She plops herself on his bed, sitting up tiredly as he closes the door behind him and then sits beside her. They looked in each other's eyes for a moment before she caved. Sighing, she explained everything that Bill had told her at the mall. She was still nursing that buzz from the night before, so she tried to keep it a short explanation so she could just go back to sleep.

"Look, Tom, I'm sorry, but I'm hearing a million different things, and I don't know what to believe anymore, I don't have a reason to trust anything anyone tells me,"
Tom only listens to her, watching her talk and nodding along. He would have been more angry at Bill if there wasn't at least a bit of truth to his words. Tom wasn't a bad guy. He just liked to have some fun here and there. But he was still annoyed that his brother, his own twin, would out him like that to the new girl.

"The one night stands might work for the other girls you pick up, but not me... believe it or not, I am not like that," That much was true. Lana wasn't completely innocent, but she wanted to figure Tom out before she decided if she wanted to move forward with him.

Tom reached over and grabbed her hand.
"I can assure you that I would never intentionally hurt you like that," He said. Her eyes were glossy with sleep as she looked at him, examining his features. Again, there was nothing to show that he was lying to her. She nods, accepting what he said. They stayed quiet after this, tucked under the blankets, facing each other as they quietly giggled when Lana admitted that she was still drunk. He pulls her close by the hips, his fingers tickling her for a moment, earning a squeal and a giggle. As they settled, he kissed her cheek before she nustled herself in his chest, soon followed by the quiet humming of her breathing as she was fast asleep once again.

Later that morning, she was the last one to wake up. It was well past noon when she groggily stumbled down the hall and peeked into the kitchen to see the four boys of Tokio Hotel standing around the kitchen. Bill sat at the dining table drinking coffee, talking to Tom as he sat on the counter and tossed an orange between each hand, watching Gustav prepare some food for everyone. Georg leaned against the counter with Tom.

'They can't see me like this,' She thought to herself as she quickly went into the spare bathroom. She quickly showered, brushing her teeth with the toothbrush she brought and washed the sleep and makeup from the night before off of her face.
She got dressed, gray baggy cargo pants, a black studded belt, and a black at white striped tank top that she layered under another plain black tank. Her bracelets on her wrists, necklaces on her neck. By the time she was done finishing up her makeup and letting her black and red hair air-dry, the food was done. Her naturally wavy hair bothered her to no end, but Bill found it captivating to see at least a part of her natural state.
"Morning," they greeted her as she walked into the room. She smiled as she sat at the table.

"Are you hungry?" Georg asked, holding out a plate.

"Sure," She hesitantly reached for the plate, watching as the boys loaded up their plates with food. She added a little bit of each content on her plate, barely filling it up. She quietly ate her food as she watched the others interact. Even after a long night of partying and drinking, they were surprisingly energetic. She flinched a bit as the sharp pain surged through her head and behind her eyes.

"You okay?" Tom asked quietly from beside her.

"Headache," She said quietly, setting her fork down to drink come water.

"You look nice," He commented, his knee touching hers under the table. She eyes him, bashfully looking away, jokingly pushing his knee with her hand. He laughs a bit, their shoulders bumping into each other. Her eyes catch Bills as he watches. He seemed like his normal self, but there was something in his eyes that made Lana's gaze soften and ease her laughs, Bill breaks contact first. His cold eyes brighten up instantly as he continues to have his conversation with Georg after he says something funny. Lana's smile fades into something of an uncomfortable and awkward grin.

After breakfast, she gathered her stuff. The boys had a busy schedule today, meeting with songwriters and producers to continue their progress in their next album.
Saying goodbye to the others, giving Bill a small smile before leaving, Tom had walked her down to her car. He stood in front of Lana, both saying nothing and standing in an awkward silence as she leaned against the driver's door. She looked away at the other cars and chuckled nervously. Tucking a piece of her raven-colored hair behind her ear, she turned to look up at him.

"Listen Tom," She begins.

"Is this the part where you tell me you never want to see me again?" He asked dramatically. She rolls her eyes. "No,"

"Lana, I can't handle not having you in my life. Please don't leave me!" He jokes as he closes his eyes, taking a step toward her and placing his hands on her shoulders, slightly shaking her back and forth. "Tom," She laughed. "I just think..." She places her hands on top of his.

He arched his brow. "Go on,"

"I just...want to get to know you as a friend first, I want you to gain my trust as a friend before we do anything more than this," She explained, her hazel eyes darting everywhere but him. She waited for his response, Tom sighed, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her into a tight hug.

"That's alright with me,"
His words shock her. She looks up at him.

"I know my intentions weren't what you expected, but I have grown to like you, Lana...and if you want to wait, then I can wait too," He nods. She smiled up at him, reaching up to pull him down a bit as she kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you soon," She told him, pinching his cheek.

"I'll call you this weekend," He told her, slowly letting go as he opened the car door for her. She closes it as she starts the Mustang and drives home. Tom smirks to himself as he walks back into the apartment, pulling out his phone to call someone. After a few rings, she answered.
"Hey... want to come over tonight?"

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