Chapter 10

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"Wow, I even have my own personal servant to bring me to my room!" Jack says.

"What? NO!" I shove Jack away as he laughs. "I am deffinatly NOT a servant."

"Sure.. You deffinatly are not my servant.. even though you have everything for me." Jack says, a hum to his voice.

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you little Jack donkey." I retort.

"Pfft! Nice.. that's not at ALL rude." He says with a bleak expression.
My shoulders droop a bit as I say, "Sorry.."

"Heh, it's alright.. Don't worry about it kiddo. It'll take more to hurt my feelings." He insists, gently rubbing my back.

"Thanks Jack.." I mutter.

"You have a good heart when it comes to your family, CCA.. Don't let anyone change that about you." Jack says, gently grabbing my hand.

I smile slightly and say, "Thanks..? Is that what you say?"
He chuckles and says, "I honestly wouldn't know.."

We walk in silence for a few minutes,  my trailer coming into veiw.

It was mainly pink, but had splats of red, blue, and a golden yellow all around.

"Wow… That's actually pretty impressive." Jack compliments.

"Why thank you!" I chirp, skipping up to the front door and pulling it open.

I reach inside and flick the lights on before saying, "After you, my good sir."

"Why thank you, my good SERVANT!" Jack cackles afterwards.

"HEY!" I spank his behind while he hops inside, still laughing.

"Geese." I let out a small sigh before climbing right behind him before shutting the door and latching the lock.

Jack whistles as he looks around.

"Oh my Schmidt." He says, loking around, "I'm not sure how to feel about having fan art of my face and all the other Icons plastered around!" 

"Mm?" I look up, seeing all the prints of Jack, Chance, Eddie, and all the other Halloween Horror Nights Icons. "Oh! Yeah.. I've been collecting!" 

"So it seems! I'm not sure how to feel still since my face will stare at me all night.." Jack says, walking over to one of just his face. "Oh never mind! This is freaking awesome! I mean, LOOK AT ME!"

I burst out into a loud fit of laughter, Jack gently tracing his face.

"Geese. You vain Ring Master Clown BOI! Boy with and O I." I say, crossing my arms with a small smug grin.

"Wait, what? HEY! I'm a Vain HAWT Ring Master Clown MAN!" He corrects me, "Man with an A N."

 "OH my good freak show-" I laugh, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

 "Uh huh, that's correct! One hundered percent correct. Vain Hawt Ring Master Man." He insists, flopping down on my chair by my table, resting his elbow on the table, leaning his chin on it.

The smug grin on his face made me really want to just smack him, but at the same time, I just loved Jack in this kind of mood.

"Ya do know your innitals are not VHRMM, right? Aka, I will call you, VROOOOOOOOM!" I say, Jack's eyes widening.

"What the actual freak-" He bursts out laughing while I scamper over to my closet, pulling the airmattress out.

I plung the pump into the wall, turning it on so the mattress started to inflate. ALSO so I didn't have to hear Jack's next snarky response.

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