It's Getting Cold...

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Tom looked at his watch.  He'd been here an hour.  He sighed, she'd not turned up.  She wasn't going to turn up.  He'd done it again.  Standing, he drained the last of his cup and walked over to the till.

"Hi Gemma darling." he said with an apologetic smile, "Yet again, I seem to have taken up your table for most of the afternoon, on the strength of one cup of tea. Could I at least pay for two?" he was the world's most polite malingerer Gemma had ever come across.  

"Oh, I don't know about that.  Two?  I'm not sure that covers the electricity, the heating, the cost of a waitress hovvering about looking like a lovestruck teenager...." she smiled, and Tom blushed, looking down at his feet and then back up.  His eyes twinkled, and now it was Gemma's turn to blush. "Honestly?  I don't mind.  You're good for business. You have NO idea the number of girls we get in here a week asking to sit in YOUR seat!" 

"MY seat?"  Now he WAS shocked.

"Yeah, since you started coming in, they've got wind of it on Twitter - or is it X these days? They all seem to think you have your own seat, blue plaque, and all." Gemma smiled. "I just make it up depending on how I feel.  You sat at the window the other day for three whole hours eating cake!" 

Tom laughed loudly despite his current gloom.  "That's good, I like that!  I'll be back later in the week.  You must let me know how many times I've been in by then." he smiled and handed Gemma some money.  She shook her head. 

"No, honestly, please, it was only some tea.  And it seems it might have been the only nice thing you got this afternoon.  Whoever she was?  She was an idiot."  Gemma laid a hand on his and pushed the money away.  "An idiot and very, very rude. "  

Tom didn't speak, just smiled and tucked the money back into his pocket. Gemma was pretty, friendly, welcoming, and an incredibly honest person.  Not many people would have been quite so forthright.  He liked that.  He liked her. With a smile and a wave, he left, the little bell over the door tinkling as he closed it.  

She watched as he walked away, stopped, then turned around and marched straight back in. Without stopping, he walked up to the counter, leaned over, and grabbed her.  His eyes pierced into hers, and before she could fathom what was happening, he leaned down and kissed her. 

Before she had a chance to react, he let her go.  "See you Thursday, darling," he said softly and walked out again, leaving her breathless and shocked.  She leaned back against the wall, eyes closed, fingers touching her lips where he'd pressed his to hers. As the door opened again, the bell sounded, and a voice called "Gemma... Gemma... Earth to GEMMA!" she stood up and opened her eyes.

She was in the stockroom, leaning against the shelves of tea bags and sugar and coffee.  In her hand, a bag of napkins.  The bag she'd been sent for almost ten minutes ago.  Ten minutes and one long daydream.  Tom Hiddleston, she swore under her breath, you've alot to answer for.

"Coming, Annie!" she called and emerged from the stockroom to see her boss - and friend - Annie Green standing, hands on hips, head to one side with her eyebrow raised. 

"And where were YOU missy?" she asked with a smiled "Where were you kissing him THIS time?" Gemma blushed furiously and pushed past her, going to fill the dispenser again.

"Don't know WHAT you mean!" she said with an air of innocence that she clearly didn't have.

Annie snorted and smiled, well used to Gemma and her fixation with the World's Handsomest Actor Ever - a title Gemma bestowed on him at any given opportunity.  She was just about to tell Gemma to finish up for the day, it was gone 4pm and they'd been so quiet today, when the door opened and walked her latest recruit.  Sarah Warrender.  To the untrained eye, anyone less likely to work in a tea shop, you couldn't find.  

Sarah was petite, dark-haired, green eyed, and had a feisty temperament that made her perfect for anything other than customer service.  Or so you'd think.  Annie, on the other hand, knew better.  Sarah was, when working, the best customer server she'd ever come across.  She could sell a heater to a snowman.  She had, in fact, been a waitress with her while at college and had a knack for dealing with the awkward, the rude and the downright irritating just as easily as the nice "two teas and a scone please" customers.  They'd met in Glasgow, and when Annie graduated a year before her, she'd promised to come to London and work for her when she was done.

That had been ten years ago.  Sarah had been offered a good job abroad straight from college, and of course, Annie had told her to go for it.  Teabags and napkins could wait.  Wall Street and The Big Apple could not.  

Sarah had been rich.  Rich, and miserable.  Worked hard, played well, not very much, and ultimately?  Given it all up to come home before, there was nothing left of her to enjoy the money she'd made.  She'd wanted to be comfortable, to give her parents the comfort their hard work had sadly never given them.  She also, however, wanted a soul. 

Now, as she walked into the little shop, she knew she was safe.  Happy, loved, safe, her soul intact.  There was nothing now she needed.  Well, nothing other than someone to come home to that didn't have four paws and a penchant for hunting rodents at 3am.

As she saw her friend, she opened her arms in a wide hug.

"ANNIE!" She shouted,"ANNIE BABY!"


The screeched with laughter and Gemma stared wide eyed.

Annie turned and beckoned Gemma over. "This is Sarah. She's officially joining the gang as from tomorrow. Sarah, meet Gemma. My employee of the month for the last two years. "

"Your ONLY employee," Gemma laughed as she hugged Sarah.

"Either way, I'm pleased to meet you. Oh, Annie, this is going to be great." She hugged her tightly, "I've missed you so much!"

"You too.  Now, come on, it's quiet. Let's have some tea and finish the Viccy Sponge off."

"Please don't... I've been dreaming of that cake all day. That and your wonderful tea!"

The voice that accompanied the jangling of the doorbell made them all turn around.  Annie smiled, Gemma blushed, and Sarah? She couldn't believe her eyes.

Sitting at a table, grinning as he took off his jacket, was none other than THE Thomas William Hiddleston.

Annie thrust the tray of tea and cake into Sarah's hands. "Go on! He won't bite!" She shoved her gently.

As Sarah walked over, tray in hand, she wondered exactly when she would wake up.  He smiled and looked up at her. "Hi! You new? Don't think we've met. I'm Tom, what's your name darling?"

"T-Tom. No. I mean, Sorry. Sorry-you're Tom. Sorry, you know that already ! It's Sarah."  She was flustered beyond belief. What the hell? He was just a man!

"Well... Sorry... "he winked and grinned."It's very nice to meet you. I hope you'll enjoy working here."

As she walked away, a mixture of thrilled and mortified, she nodded.  Silently, she added, "If you're a regular? I certainly will, Tom, I certainly will."

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