The Happiest Place...

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"Come ON!" He pulled her hand as they almost ran to the turnstiles. "We want to get on that ride before it gets too busy!" The 6'2" six year old was almost jumping up and down as they filed through the gates.

"Tom, calm down!" Sarah laughed and shook her head. "We have all day!" Tom turned and looked at her with a smile as wide as Main Street USA.

"But we have to see Star Wars and Avengers...AND Indiana Jones...." he trailed off as she stood , hands on hips just looking at him. "Whaaaat?" He whined with a smirk.

" God help our children if they ever get anywhere near this place! You'll be THE most embarrassing Dad in the history of embarrassing Dads!"

He blushed and looked at his feet, running a hand through his hair. When he looked up, she was walking towards him. "Come on, Tommy. Let's go and see Mickey Mouse - maybe we can get a picture, eh? Keep you happy!"

"Aww gee, thanks! " he said in an excited voice. "If I promise to be good, can we go on Space Mountain?" He swung her hand in his, and she laughed.

"Of course we can. Anything you want to do, my excited Big Puppy!"

An hour later, they staggered off Space Mountain. It had been fast and dark and thrilling. It had also made Sarah feel very, very sick.

"Can we sit down for a bit, Tom? I don't feel too great." She wandered over to a nearby cafe and sat down heavily. Tom took one look at her and realised she wasn't kidding. She looked as green as it was possible to look and not be a frog.

"Oh, sweetheart! You poor thing!" He gently hugged her and passed her some water from his backpack. "Here, have a little of this. Not too much....oh."

Without any warning, Sarah was sick all down herself. She burst into tears, and her face turned from green to beetroot red.

"Ohhh Sarah, darling, you poor thing!" He grabbed some paper napkins and dabbed at her top as she tried to clean her trousers. The worst of it off, she disappeared into the bathroom as Tom cleaned the floor. Within minutes, between him and the wait-staff, it was all spick and span.

The same, however, could not be said for Sarah. She reappeared, soaking wet where she'd tried to clean herself up. As soon as she saw Tom, she started crying again.

"Shhhh, little one," he gathered her ibto his arms "its ok."

"No, it's not. I spoiled your day..." she sobbed. "Im all icky, and I smell horrific,"

"No, you haven't. Don't think that for one single second. It was my fault making you go on it so soon after Thunder Mountain." He winced, "especially after that popcorn and coke!" She smiled. He always knew how to make her feel better. "Main thing is, do you feel better now?" He stroked her forehead, and she nodded.

"Yes, just motion sickness, it went as soon as I was sick. Guess you're not the only six-year old here, eh?" She blushed and smiled, her nose scrunching up in the way he'd come to adore.

"Well, in THAT case, I think we should take a stroll. Oh, and I'll buy you a fresh T-shirt and shorts. How about that?" He held her hand and stood up. "Can't have my best girl feeling icky all day. Not here, not today."

Sarah nodded. "Can... can I have Loki ears too please?" She wheedled, pouting and fluttering her eyelashes.

"Oh my Pet, you can have any part of Loki you so desire. " The voice that answered made her shiver - in a VERY good way.

Together, they walked to where the main shopping area was. Despite her protestations about how much he was spending in her, Tom made Sarah choose a new shirt, shorts, and trainers. And ears. Loki ears.

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