Don't panic....

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"Ty! What are you doing here?!" her mind went into panic mode and her heart into her mouth.  What if someone saw him there!  What if someone told Tom... ok, calm.  That's NOT going to happen.  All this shot through her mind in the seconds it took to register he was even there.

"Well hello to you too !" He stood, arms open waiting for a hug. She wandered, dazed into them and he wrapped his arms around her. "I just wanted to surprise you. You seemed so... well... sad, the last time we spoke. I thought you might need me?"

She closed her eyes and sighed. This was the LAST thing she needed, but she couldn't dismiss the fact he'd come several thousand miles just because he thought she was upset. That took real compassion. Love. Oh dear.

"Come on in. You must be shattered? How was the flight?" she pulled back, deliberately giving herself some distance.

"Yep, and awful in that order.  Do you have coffee?  I mean DECENT coffee, not that instant floor-sweepings they pass of as the stuff?" he dumped his bag down in the hall and stretched.  It occurred to her that if Tom was the archetypal tall, elegant, refined Brit, Ty was USA through and through -  200lbs of prime Texas beef.  Muscled, blonde and just, well, BIG.  It briefly occurred to her that he resembled another Avenger she'd seen, the brother from another mother to her own favourite Asgardian.  

"Sure Ty, come on through.  Where are you staying?"  she could have bitten her tongue out.  That was a bit unsubtle Sarah, even for you, she winced inwardly.

"Well, from the size of the shoebox you call an apartment," he winked "It's obviously not here is it?" he smiled and she remembered why she liked him so much.  He was just easy to be around.  Just like... her mind kept wandering back to Tom.  Why did she feel like she was cheating on him?  This was ridiculous.  Ty was a friend.  Only ever would be, she'd proved that in great measure when, yeah, well, she refused to relive that particular nightmare.  What was more, Tom - well he was - what WAS he to her?  She knew now, he was more than just a friend, but how much more?  

"Earth to Sarah?  You're not listening to a word I'm saying are you?  I see you needed me more than I realise.  You're festering away in this damp country!  Come back to America!  Come back to decent hotdogs, proper coffee, REAL sized portions and for GOD's SAKE stop with the rain ok?"

Sarah blushed furiously.  She was nothing if not polite - usually - and this had been her being very rude to a poor man who had jumped on a plane to "rescue" his friend in her hour of need. She shook her head.  "Sorry Ty, I'm just blown away by the fact you're actually here.  It's"

"Wonderful?  Surprising?  Creepy?" he ended with a shrug "Hey, I'm nothing if not persistent, you have to give me that surely?  Even Jennie says I'm persistent." he sipped his coffee and closed his eyes. "Ahhhh that's better.  Thanks."

Sarah came to with a jolt. "Jennie?  Who's Jennie?" She sat down across from him and he put his mug down with a smile.

"She's my fiance." he said with a look that spoke volumes.  Sarah could have kissed him.

"Your FIANCEE!" she jumped up and this time her hug was genuine. "Oh Ty I'm so pleased for you!" and she really REALLY was.  "But... does she know?  I mean... you're here, to see me?  We were, I mean..." she started to stammer.

"Whoa there! Calm down! It's all good.  She knows all about 'us' and our history.  She knows I will love you for the rest of my life"  Sarah stared and Ty smiled as he continued "Like my best friend that I kissed by mistake and never want to again. I know now why things just weren't mean to be between us." he reached over and took her hand in his. "It was a mistake for us to get involved, a wonderful, loving and enriching mistake, but I see now what I didn't then.  We loved each other, but we weren't IN love. Not the way I feel about Jennie. That's part of why I came." he lifted his cup and smiled "I couldn't let you pine for me forever, had to tell you the truth." he winked and she laughed loudly.

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