Hotel California

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"Morning sleepy head!" she opened her eyes and squinted in the sunshine now flooding into the room.  She growled and pulled the covers over her head. There was a deep laugh, and she was unceremoniously dragged from her bed and carried out onto the terrace.  Squealing and kicking, she was carried down the steps.

"No! No... Tom! Please... NO, YOU PROMISED! YOU MONSTER!!" she could hardly speak for laughing. Tom didn't break stride.

"What did I tell you?  No long lie today.  We're going to Disneyland, and I, for one, don't want to miss a second.  You promised you'd get up at 6.30 and it's now 6.32 am!  That deserves punishment."

"Well, spank me then just dooooooooooo." The word was never finished as she was enveloped in the cold water of their private pool. An almighty splash and then silence.  For a precious second, there was nothing but the sound of birds welcoming the morning and Tom laughing.  Then, like some kind of sea creature, a shrieking, groaning, arm-waving monster wrapped in silk erupted from the depths.

It hauled itself out the water as the human responsible rolled on the ground helpless with laughter.  It slowly dripped its way towards him, making incomprehensible noises of disgust and revenge. Tom realised he was probably in mortal danger but still couldn't stop laughing.

The monster extended its dripping arms and grabbed him tightly. "You're MINE!" it screeched. "ALL MINE"  

Tom begged, "No, please, I'm sorry, please don't , no please....." he tried to get away but it was too quick for him and suddenly they were both hurtling back towards the water from whence it had come. 

With a roar and a splash, they fell into the pool, this time, there was silence.  The instant the monster hit the water, it was gone.  Replaced by a shimmering mermaid with flowing hair and a radiant, if sleepy smile.  Tom grabbed her, and as they rose back out the water, he kissed her thoroughly.

Standing in the shallow end, both of them soaked and laughing, Tom tucked the hair back off her face and held her tightly.  Even in the warm Californian morning, they shivered.  "Come on, now that you're awake, let's have breakfast.  I'm starving." he kissed her, and she shook her head.

"You're ALWAYS starving! I'd be the size of a house if I ate what you did!" 

"Ah well, the thing is I keep my cardio up.  Keeps my metabolism burning." he winked. "Maybe you need to do that too." 

She smiled "Cardio eh?" he nodded .

"Elevated heartrate.  Deep and regular breathing. Intense physical activity." His voice dropped, his pupils dilated.

"What do you suggest? " she bit her lip and looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes coyly.

"Hmmm, well, " he paused and hauled himself, then her, out the water. Standing on the poolside, he said, "Step one?  Get these wet things off." he proceeded to strip his own clothes down to his boxers. He looked at her, eyebrow raised, and she blushed. 

"I'm in my nightie Tom, I don't have...." she motioned to the underwear he was currently modelling like a second skin. A skin he shed in seconds.

"And?  Who's going to see us?  We paid a lot for this privacy love." he winked. She giggled and nodded.  The silk fell to the ground in an instant, revealing her body, covered in droplets of water. He felt his body react as he took in the sight of her naked except for the hundreds of little diamonds that now covered her.  The light breeze danced over her skin, eliciting a reaction from her body.  Instantly, she felt alive and aroused and desperate for his touch.

"Now what?" she breathed hoarsely, running her fingers down his chest. He groaned and closed his eyes briefly, savouring her touch.

"Shared bodily warmth." he said softly, taking her in his arms and laying her down on the nearby cabana-style bed.  The material itself was warm, and it soaked into their bodies, making them shake just a little less. Not all the shaking was to do with the temperature it had to be said.

Tom pulled her close. "Now we need to get your heart rate up." he said huskily. "Let me try,"

As Sarah lay in his arms, he kissed her, slowly at first, then with more passion.  His mouth left hers and travelled to her neck and her shoulder and downwards, following the curve of her arm. She lay under him, aware of every inch of his body as it pressed against her.

When he drew level with her breasts, his mouth found them, and his hands slipped under her back, pressing her up to meet his hungry kisses.  Breathless moans began to escape her lips and fired on by her rising desire, Tom ventured further, nestling comfortably between her thighs.

She felt herself begin to fall into the abyss he had taken her to so many times over the last few months.  The night after they'd had dinner with Ty had just been the start.

Tentative, gentle and new in every respect.  They had come together in every sense, lying down as sweethearts, getting up the next day as lovers.

Now, months later, he knew every inch of her body in glorious detail.  She'd paid him the same courtesy, and they were like two halves of the same whole. This morning, as he worked his way down her body, the crashing waves of the ocean behind her paled into insignificance compared to the crashing wave that threatened to make her scream.

His head was now dangerously close to her core. She felt herself thundering towards coming completely undone.  Somehow, the fact that they were naked in the open air made it feel all the more exciting, intense.  Their villa was private, tucked away in a corner of the gardens of a large luxury hotel, but they still had that exciting frisson of fear of discovery. 

As he brought her to the edge of bliss and pushed her over, she arched against him, moaning uncontrollably.  Her body strained against him, and he took delight in feeling its release.  As she calmed, he gently climbed up her and lay against her, his own desire now straining to be fulfilled.  

Slowly, gently, he took her to another high, this time as he looked into her face.  She moved against him, welcoming him in with a sigh of delight.  Her nails raked his back as he thrust and moved, his body aching to release.  With a groan deep in his soul, Tom reached his climax and, with a last desperate cry, thrust deeply then gathered her into his arms.  Holding her close, they relaxed onto the bed, quivering as adrenaline - and desire - returned to normal.

They curled up together in the warm sunshine, feeling the afterglow envelope them and soothe them. This was as close to heaven as either could imagine.  

They dozed together for a little while, then got up, made love once more in the shower, and then had breakfast.

Sarah sat on one of the terrace chairs, legs tucked under her demolishing a Danish pastry. She licked the last of the jam from her fingers with a satisfied smile and picked up her coffee.  

"Delicious," she murmured and reached for a piece of melon.  Tom laughed, and she squished up her nose. "You made me hungry! It's your fault if I'm the size of a house!" they laughed, and without knowing it, each wondered if that would ever happen for the best of reasons.  Love, marriage, babies, wasn't that how the fairy-tale went?  And if anyone deserved a fairy-tale...

As Tom watched her eat, his mind formulated a plan.  They were here for another week, Ty and Jennie were opening their new business in a couple of days, and they'd come to support them, Tom being the face of the advertising campaign. 

He knew exactly how to make the most of their time here.  Disneyland, wine, advertising and .... well, that he wasn't even going to name it in him mind.  After all, as someone once said, 'You don't tell a wish, it spoils the magic!'

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