Xyz: Part one- An Unfriendly Welcome

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I most likely won't write most dueling scenes. This was hard to write. I tried using their decks from the animes and mangas, and some cards I think would help them out. I'm trying...

Yuya surveyed his surroundings, rendered speechless.

"It's awful," Yugo's voice shattered the silence. Standing alongside Yuya, he examined the grim scene. "Looks like it's just you and me."

"I hope the others are alright," Yugo extended a hand to assist Yuya to his feet. "Especially Leo, Luna, and Reira."

Yugo checked his D-Pad, studying the GPS screen. "Seems like everyone's paired up at least. Leo is with that Bakura guy, Luna is with Marik and the red ninja guy, and Reira is with Seto and the blue ninja guy. So they've got older folks watching over them."

Yuya sighed in relief. "That's good to know."

Yugo's expression grew more serious. "Wait. The blue ninja guy is on his own now."

"...His name is Tsukikage."

"Yuya, Yugo... are you together?" Their D-Pads beeped, Seto's voice breaking through.

"Yes, sir," Yuya responded. "How's everyone else?"

A moment of silence passed before Seto spoke, "Someone spotted us. Tsukikage managed to lead them in another direction, but this could be problematic. I'm warning everyone to be cautious around those uninformed individuals. There are four color groups from what we've seen, each dangerous. Don't trust them or anyone that you don't know. I've sent the location to your D-Pads. Depending on the situation, I might adjust it. So stay safe."

Yugo revved his D-Wheel's engine, handing Yuya a spare helmet he had stashed after the security incident. "Let's get going then." They mounted the D-Wheel, with Yugo activating the GPS, guiding them toward the gathering point.

As they cruised at a moderate pace, Yuya's gaze lingered on the dilapidated buildings. "I wonder where all the survivors are hiding..." They passed what seemed like a park. Yuya's grip on his brother tightened as he fought back tears. "If there are any left."

"Hopefully, they've found some safe haven," Yugo shouted over the wind. "We should be reaching the location soo--" His voice abruptly trailed off as they skidded to a halt. "It's the ninja guy!" Yuya followed Yugo's gaze and saw Tsukikage running from a group of eight individuals in uniforms. One of his duel monsters signaled that he was mid-battle. Tsukikage had already defeated two, as they dropped down and disappeared in a beam of purple light. Yugo watched for a moment, initially thinking he would be fine since he had taken out two more, but then he noticed he was starting to tire out.

"He needs help!" Yugo accelerated the D-Wheel in the direction of his comrade. "Yuya, only one can duel per D-Wheel! I'll take care of this!"

"Careful, Yugo!" Yuya relinquished his hold and created some distance.

"Hold on!" Yugo sped up, maneuvering the D-Wheel over a leaning cement slab and executing a full backflip over a platform. He grabbed an Action Card as he did and slotted it into his disk, activating "Action Card: Evasion!" He managed to intercept Tsukikage's opponent just in time to save his monster. "It negates your attack."


Yugo gritted his teeth, enduring the electric shock. "What the heck..."

Tsukikage looked up after the dust cleared to see who saved him, "You..."

"A dueling motorcycle? How peculiar," the guy in the red uniform said, turning toward them. "Let's apprehend them and take the motorcycle to the Supreme King."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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