Chapter Twenty - Feeling Wanted.

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Louis' POV: 

I woke up early today, it was a saturday, but my mind refused to let me sleep, all the events of the last days, especially the one from yesterday, were spinning around in my head.

I sat up, and got up, walking over to my wardrobe and changed my clothes, deciding to go over to Harrys to look after him since I haven't seen him since I helped Anne and Gemma to put the unconscious Harry into his bed.

I slipped into my sweatpants, deciding that I don't need jeans when I only go over to Harrys house, put on an oversized sweater and slipped into my shoes, and walked downstairs. 

"Woah, Boo, where are you going this early?", my mum was standing in the kitchen, preparing the breakfast.

"Over to Harrys.", I replied. 

My mum nodded, and her attention went back to the food she was making. I grabbed my keys, shoved them into my hoodie pocket and walked out of the house, closing the door behind me, and headed over to Harrys house, knocking on the door.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and a second later a tired looking Gemma opened the door. 

"Louis?", she said, yawning, and rubbed her eyes. "What are you doing here? It's not even 9 am.." 

I nodded. "You know, I own a clock by myself." I chuckled. "I wanted to look after Harry." 

"Whatever.", Gemma replied, and walked back into her room, leaving the door open for me to get inside. I stepped into the house, closed the door and walked upstairs into Harrys room, and saw that he was still asleep.

I smiled as I let my eyes travel over Harrys perfect body, his curls were softly falling into his face, and his rhythmic breathing was the only sound that was audible. 

I took off my shoes, and gently climbed into Harrys bed, laying down next to him, and ran my fingers through his hair, and his lips formed into a smile as my fingers touched his skin, as if he could feel me being there.

I put my arms around him, trying to comfort him and he instinctively snuggled closer to me.

I closed my eyes, holding Harry in my arms, and slowly drifted off to sleep, knowing Harry was in my  arms, as okay as it was possible at the current situation.


Harrys POV:

When I woke up, I felt arms around me. I opened my eyes a crack, and the first thing I saw was Louis' face laying close to mine. I smiled, and pecked his lips, and his eyes fluttered open. His blue eyes looked into my green ones. "Morning..", he said in a sleepy voice.

"Since when are you here?", I asked, not moving an inch, hoping Louis and me could lay like this forever. 

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