Chapter Thirty-Four - Fix you.

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A long chapter, I literally spent the entire day writing it, since my mum came in every ten minutes asking me to do things. -____-

I SAW ONE DIRECTION LIVE ON SATURDAY, BEST NIGHT EVER!  Hands down. :D There was this one girl next to me and she was like 12 and she cried and screamed whenever Niall sang or spoke and I was actually scared she was going to faint o_o

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Louis POV:

I really thought Eds plan to throw a party was good, he surely would love it to see that many people are there for him, it might give him back a piece of self-esteem. It surely would take months until Harry can believe in himself again, if not a year or two. Nobody can ever be fixed to the point that they’re fully okay, I knew that. It’s a daily battle that Harry had to face for the rest of his life, and I was determined to be by his side while he fought it.

 “Does Harry like pizza?” Eds voice awoke me from my thoughts, bringing back to reality, and I nodded. “Yeah, he does. Who doesn’t though?” I chuckled as Ed wrote added Pizza on the list he had started a few minutes ago, writing down everything we had to organize and get before the party could start, while Niall was writing down people we could invite. That left me with nothing to do; all jobs were given to people, such as Niall and Ed.

I was wondering what I could do, and then an idea crossed my mind. I got a pen and a paper and laid it down in front of me. I was going to write a letter to Harry, writing down everything that made live worth living, this that can cheer him up, so he can read it whenever he feels sad.

Hey Harry., I started.

Funny thing that I write to you when I see you every day, huh? Firstly, I’m glad I’m still able to see you; the fact that you’re alive, breathing air into your lungs is the best thing that ever happened to me in life.

The reason I write this, is to cheer you up, this letter is supposed to make you smile whenever you feel down, and remind you that someone cares. Niall cares. Ed cares. Your mother cares. Your sister cares. I care.

Life is a gift, and you should live it. I am by your side. I know you’re not crazy, and whoever told you this should go to hell.

You should be alive, and you know why? We still have so much to do, so many things we have never done that I want to do with you, so I wrote them down. It’s a long list, make sure to read everything, okay?

I want to take awkward, weird and cute pictures with you, print them out and hang them on the plain wall into my room, the more pictures the better. I want to cuddle you when it’s raining outside.

I want to watch scary movies with you, protect you when you feel scared. And you will feel scared. I had this fucked up friend back in Doncaster that showed me the sickest horror movies I’ve ever seen in my life.

I want to Skype with you, you know, like in those movies where couples Skype with each other when they’re miles apart? Yeah, I want to do that, except for the “miles away” part. It’d still count if there were like 10 feet between us, right?

I want to wrestle with you (playfully of course), play fight, and tease each other. Like, wrestling that ends in a kiss, I’ve always wanted to do that, but I couldn’t wrestle with a girl, could I?

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