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"What the fuck do you mean the Winchesters are missing? I thought you were helping them!" I rifled through Sam's clothes, hoping to find something that hadn't been washed yet. Those had the best scent on them and it'd be more helpful in finding them. "Right?!"

Castiel shifted uncomfortably. "I..." He trailed off. "Crowley required my assistance, I was under the impression that they could handle the matter on their own."

"They're human." I let out in a huff, fucking Sam was too clean. Maybe I'd have more success in Dean's room. "And they've been depending on you for years. I'm not saying they can't handle themselves but they can only do so much without help."

He followed me into Dean's room. "They were hunting the Stynes."

I thought they were trying to close heaven and hell's gates?!

Idiots. "Alright, do you know where the Winchesters were going?" I was hit with a smell that was distinctly Dean, the second I opened his door. Oh yeah, I was definitely going to find something in here. "Or has Sam said anything on his research?"

The scent was stale, which meant they'd been gone for a few days. They weren't taken from the bunker, Dean's headphones were gone, Sam's workout gear was as well. There wasn't any sign of struggle or an aggressor.

Damn it. "Have you checked the tracker in the Impala?"

Castiel's brow furrowed.

"Gods, did you not know about that? Sam put one on it years ago." I rushed toward the library where I'd seen Dean's laptop. He must have left it. They usually used Sam's on the road anyhow. "If we're lucky, the Impala won't be far from them."

Seemed Lady Luck was feeling extra gracious today, because when I powered it on, there was battery left. Given the fact that it was something Dean built himself, it was an effective piece of machinery.

I pulled up the tracker app that Sam installed on every computer in the bunker. It was somewhere in fucking Oklahoma of all places. Castiel wordlessly laid a hand on my shoulder.


"Not what I expected." In front of us a massive house perched on an even bigger lawn, which was nestled in dense trees. In the middle of nowhere. Who were these people?!

Armed guards stood at various points on the back of the house, who knew how many more were in front of it. "Can't you just teleport us inside?"

"Flying inside is impossible. The building is covered in wards."

Fuck. "And I can't get in without an invitation."

"What do you propose?"

"I have an idea. Take care of those guards would you?"

Castiel nodded and we split. I moved quickly and quietly toward the front, there really wasn't any other option. On the way, I messed up my hair a bit and smeared my lipstick.

A benefit, I suppose, of being forced to dress up for the parties the Mikaelsons threw.

As I got onto the sidewalk, I began stumbling. It was a small miracle I didn't fucking eat it in these heels.

One of the men approached me, his gun halfway raised. "Stay where you are!"

"Oh my god. I've been walking for like, ever. I never thought those woods would end." I gestured widely behind me, and then let out a high giggle. "Wood, would. That's so weird."

"Where did you come from, ma'am?" Another asked, his guard was more down.

Still chuckling, I held a hand to my head. "I got lost, I thought I was heading back toward my boyfriend's house, he's throwing this fucking rager." Then my brow furrowed. "Although I'm pretty sure I saw him with another girl, which is totally not cool."

I stumbled again, this time into the chest of the guy who'd spoken last. He caught me.

"Can you, like help me? I want to get back."

Something softened in his expression.

His friend, however was far more skeptical. "Where did you say you came from again?"

Loud gunfire echoed from behind the house. All the ones from the front started moving toward that direction, besides my two. I reached up, and snapped the nice one's neck and the other's before he could shout for help.

Something slipped out of the nice man's pocket as he fell, it was small and white. Though when I picked it up, it was a picture of a girl, who didn't look much different from me. Either the man's daughter or sister, his wife or someone he loved. I looked like her. Well, roughly, but the sentiment was the same.

He was probably actually a good guy.

Sucked that he was guarding the house that held my friends.

I rolled my neck and then moved to the front door, knocking frantically.

It opened a crack. Another man, peeking through. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Please! There's someone out there killing those men! I'm so scared!" Tears rolled down my cheeks. "A-and those guys behind me, they're d-dead!"

"How did you find this place?" His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"I just found this place by accident, I swear! I don't want to die." I pleaded, glancing behind me for good measure. The gunfire was starting to die off. "Please, I'll do anything."

He opened the door a little wider, surveying the dark property behind me, a disgusting gleam in his eyes. "Fine. Come in."

A grin broke out on my lips and I straightened, wiping my face. "Gods, people fall for that so easily." I rushed him, snapping his neck and kicking my heels off as I went. "You hoo, dangerous hybrid in the building. Come get me."

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