Chapter 3

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When we got off the bus, he had to go to the office to get his schedule and I had to get my books from my locker and go to homeroom. When I got to my locker, Cameron, Jake, and their other friends were waiting for me. Jake looked upset and so did his friends.

"Hi, guys, what's up?" I asked, standing in front of them.

"So now you talk to us? Why aren't you talking to your new little friend?" asked Jake, full of envy.

I answered, "You're blocking my locker, and how do you know about Gabe?"

Jake looked at his friends, and then said, "I saw you get off the bus talking to him."

I realized that this made Jake jealous, so I smiled, and said, "Why? Does he make you jealous? I broke up with you; doesn't that mean I can go out with other guys?"

Jake firmly told me, "You need to listen to me; it wasn't my fault!"

I replied, "I understand that you made out with your ex-girlfriend while you were still dating me, I broke up with you, and now I need to get to my locker."

Giving up with a look of defeat on their face, they moved out of my way so that I could get my books. I didn't talk to them for the rest of the day; I didn't trust Jake and his friends anymore.

At the end of the day, I was exited to get on the bus, so that I could talk to Gabe some more. When he got on the bus, I waited for him to pass by.

When he did, I said with a smile, "Hey, I saved you a seat this time."

He returned the smile and sat down. He replied, "Thank you...Ashley, right?"

"Yes and your name is Gabe, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I heard you are dating a guy named Jake. Is he in ninth grade?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm not dating him anymore. I broke up with him," I said.

"Oh, what happened?" he asked, feeling sorry for me as he could see the sadness on my face.

I explained to him, "At a football game, I saw him making out with his ex-girlfriend."

He could see that I was on the verge of tears, so he said, "I 'm sorry for you. He should not have cheated on you. You are a very nice girl; you deserve better."

"Thank you," I replied.

The rest of the way, we talked about soccer and swimming, which turned out were both of our favorite sports. I thought, Gabe is so nice, maybe I should ask him out! I would have, but I chickened out and hoped that he might ask me sometime this week.

For the rest of the week, He and I talked about ourselves and learned that we had a lot in common! He was always so nice to me. He was getting me over Jake, but now I liked him! He also was very funny and whenever I looked upset, he would crack a joke to make me feel better.

Friday, I decided to ask him, "Hey, do you have a girlfriend?" As soon as I asked that, I got nervous and regretted asking him.

"Yeah, she goes to my old school, why?" he replied.

"No reason, I was just wondering," I replied feeling let down.

After that, I tried to get over him. How could I be in love with someone with a girlfriend? Why should I bother? He obviously likes me as a friend. I thought.

The next week, we had off for the holidays. My parents and I went to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins. This was the worst vacation ever! My aunt went shopping with my mom all day, everyday, my uncle and my dad went to a golf coarse everyday, which left me and my cousins alone.

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