Lightbrush oneshot

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I am so bored for what. I LOVE LIGHTBRUSH THIS MUCH i started even writing about it

This is just my first time writing so.. Yeah bye kinda short. Also its object yay
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Title: Special Night.

Lightbulb was on a hotel doing nothing on her room. She made new friends and all but theres something incomplete about her. It was Paintbrush. She see Paintbrush as a more than best friend. They were gorgeous, protective, cool and tho they might hate her but she loves them. hurted her to see them go. But she kept thinking they would come back. All night and.

It was really late at night and Lightbulb was walking all alone. She did got permission to paper to go alone at night. She had her coat so she couldn't get cold. It was about 12:00 am. Same old thought came wondering again.

'Will i ever meet them again?' 'Will they ever forget me?' 'Do they miss me?' 'Do they ever love me?'

She tried to brush it off but she couldn't. She needed something to brush it off. She thought going to the flower field would be nice. After all, its her favorite thing. She stuffed her hand in the pocket and continued walking

She walked into the direction of the flower field as the wind blow her coat. She usually visit here too calm herself down tho there is a calm down corner. She often go here and lay down under the tree. The grass were soft and the tree were full of apples.

She arrived at the flower field and went to find the same old spot she always used layed down with. When she got there, there was someone there. Its a tall and slim figure. She didn't dare to come and say hi since its 12:00 am on the night she can be in danger for that. She just decided go to another place since she knows more than this special Tree. suddenly she stepped on a twig making a crack noise. The tall and slimmed figure heard it alright.

'Who's there?! Anyone here!?'

A familiar voice shouted. Her eyes widened and smiled. She turn around to see Paintbrush.

'Hi there.'

She said with a happy tone tho its kina cold reply a small nervous smile plastered her face. Paintbrush widened their eyes and a smile on their face they came running towards. They tackled them on the ground hugging her entire body. They cried tears of joy and laughing at the same time seeing and hearing Lightbulb again. Lightbulb was crying and laughing too. Paintbrush didn't let go of Lightbulb still hugging her tightly so did Lightbulb.

'Oh haha.. Why are you here Painty?'

She asked with a mixed of concerned and happiness. Still have a teary eye and a heartwarming smile. Paintbrush wiped her tears of her cheek.

'I go here all night. 11-12. Its quite relaxing here. I can calm myself here just hearing the soothing hustle of the tree and the crickets noises.'

'So do i! But i dont go like 11-12. Its really late y'know?

She let out a soft giggle. Her eyes shimmered it was like brighter than the moon and the star. Paintbrush stared at her eyes seeing her giggle. They felt their stomach butterflies again and their bristle were bright. They knew what the feeling cause Test tube told them. At first they didn't believe it cause she was just a "Friend". They were in denial for the longest time but they realize how much they loved her. Her goofy smile, weird cooking, her unique creativity, her shiny eyes and their bright personality. They wanted her only her. No, they needed her.

Paintbrush held her cheeks. Caressing it gently and smiling softly. Lightbulb blushed softly but didn't mind. Lightbulb just didn't felt affection yet. She closed her eyes as Paintbrush kept caressing it. Not for too long. Paintbrush kissed her on her soft lips.

Lightbulb was stunned to see them kissing her. It was a dream come true. It lasted 20 seconds long and Lightbulb blushed and covered her face with her hands. Paintbrush giggled softly and took her hands off her face.

'Ive liked you for many years now Lightbulb. I just didnt have the chance to tell you how i feel for you. Do you accept my feelings for you?

Paintbrush asked with a mixed nervous and happy emotion.

'I do..! Ive liked you for a while too. Maybe i fallen first or i fallen harder?'

She giggled softly. Paintbrush too.

'So i guess we are so called "lovers" now?'


She hugged them once again and hold their hands interlocking them. Lightbulb watched the star twinkling while Paintbrush stared at her eyes. It was already twinkling like the stars just more brighter. Cause y'know.. Shes a light?

Lightbulb laid their headed bulb on Paintbrush lap. Paintbrush completely forgot to go home because of the admiration. It was like they were lost somewhere beautiful. But suddenly Lightbulb reminded them.

'Painty? Are you going home? They might be worried'

'Wait- i forgot!'

'Lightbulb! Ive gotta go now. They'd be worried with me!'

'Okay Painty. Wanna meet up at 12 again huh?'

Paintbrush nodded and smiled. Giving her the last gentle kiss before they go.

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I made this with all my writing power.

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