About me! (New)

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Hi, I'm Vivi or Vomby, my online name. (Oftenly called Vien)

I'm a minor and i use any pronouns.

I'm both traditional and digital young artist, i love drawing. Sometimes i write when I'm out of ideas to draw or just completely bored. Fandoms I'm in is Object show community, DF, Steven universe, Regretavator, Victat
on series and Bugbo. My special interest are Zoology, Paleontology, Psychology and Object shows obviously

My fav object show is Object Explosion, Level Up, Coco cup's risk and Inanimate insanity. I watched over 20 object shows so far^-^ My fav and on the top is.. Eggy, yeah. She needs more a little appreciation😔

My kin list:
Bfb- Eggy, Pin, Bubble, Fanny, Winner, Gaty
II- Cabby, Suitcase, Baseball, Bot, Paintbrus
Coco cup's risk: Charger
Object explosion: Sand dollar, Spray bottle
Object harshness: Snapchat, Skirt
Objectified: Mushroom, Spool, Citrus
Tfmi: Lip gloss
And others..

Thats basically it bai😹😹

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