Starbulb Hc (Not an art)

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Starfruit x Lightbulb (Lightfruit or Starbulb) is one of my fav ships so why not make a head canon about it? I mean look at them

Starfruit x Lightbulb (Lightfruit or Starbulb) is one of my fav ships so why not make a head canon about it? I mean look at them

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Hc 1: They had a unexpected love. || At first, Lightbulb asked for an autograph (not that it was the first time) and Starfruit actually fall for her for no reason.

Hc 2: They both wrote "A Party" .

Hc 3 (Maybe canon?): He almost gave up on music and planned leaving the band but Lightbulb still courage and gave him confidence.

Hc 4: They have a long distance relationship

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Hc 4: They have a long distance relationship.

Hc 5: Starfruit always talk about Lightbulb to Lemon and how he got his inspiration on her by giving him a band to listen to, Lemon also thinks Starfruit has a crush on Lightbulb.

Hc 6: Lightbulb and Starfruit loves playing the electrical guitar, sometimes Starfruit comes with two electrical guitar so they can practice.

Thats all raghhhhhh

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