January 8, 1987 (pt. 1)

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January 8, 1987

On account that my death is imminent, I have resolved to inscribe my narrative of the events that will inevitably be skewed against me. This will be kept by my assistant, Mariam Hayes, for safekeeping until the event of my death when this should be sent to Severus Tobias Snape, [address redacted].

Anyone who knew me, especially during my Hogwarts days, could tell you that I love a good scandal so you can count it ironic that I have found myself in such a position for 6 years — 6 long years of running which now will be coming to a close, hence why I am writing. While on the subject, I maintain my innocence in all charges raised in opposition against me; I have not done anything against the law, least of all murder. Although this document will remain in my brother's position, it is also meant to be read by anyone who seeks the truth and will be written with posterity in mind.

I was born Savannia Eileen Snape on November 13th, 1949 to my parents, Tobias and Eileen Snape. I will not say much of my parents, partially because there is not much to say. They were my parents and they were not pleasant per se but they were adequate. Because of their premature deaths, I ended up raising myself mostly if not for the help of select friends and mentors. I would say I did a pretty good job on myself, but my younger brother, on the other hand, was maybe not my best work. You see, I was an only child for 10 years until the fated day of January 9th, 1960 when Severus Tobias Snape was introduced to me. At first, I was appalled by the appearance of another child into our family, as is a shared experience among older siblings, but I could not stay angry at such a cute face that giggled every time I scrunched up my nose. I don't believe that anyone who only knew Severus as a professor could ever imagine this but he was in fact the cutest baby I have seen to date. In fact, I became so attached to baby Sev that when it came time in August of that next year to join the long line of my relatives in attending Hogwarts — something I had been looking forward to since I heard of the magical school — I refused to leave and was inconsolable. My mother got so tired of assuring me that my Severus would be there on my return that she told me if I did not stop pestering her, I could cancel my trip back for winter break entirely. This quickly shut my mouth.

My father wanted nothing to do with this magic nonsense so my mother, Severus fixed to her hip, dropped me off at the train station. I ushered her a polite goodbye before wrapping my small wirey arms around my brother's miniature body. I gently kissed him on the forehead while promising that I would return. I felt my mother's stern gaze and straightened my posture. I produced a small smile for my mother and a nod and walked away head held high. Naturally, I snuck a glance or two back at my brother missing him already.

The unfortunate reality about where my mother dropped me off was that she hadn't fully walked me to the platform. Yes, she had pointed me in its direction, but I am quite directionally challenged meaning I had forgotten which way she had pointed as soon as she had put her hand down. I, of course, was not going to tell her that as I had inherited her pride, so I was very lost and didn't know in the slightest where I was. This was my first time fully away from home and I had been having nightmares that I would mess it up. I didn't feel deserving of attending Hogwarts. I had barely shown any affinity for magic at all. The world started to spin as tears filled my eyes. I have already failed. I thought to myself. Now, I will never see my Severus again. Of course, that thought made me cry even harder. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, standing before me was a girl around my age with hair as red as fire.

"Are you lost?" she asked. I nodded in response.

"Molly!" a red-headed boy appeared from the crowd shouting over the noise, "Molly, come on! We can't have you getting lost! You're our responsibility!"

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