January 8, 1987 (pt. 2)

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My first year at Hogwarts transpired with little to no unusual happenings — besides, of course, the love triangle drama. I believe that I had more adventures as a teacher than I did attending Hogwarts. I firmly believe that this is because, as a teacher, you have an excuse to plunge your nose where it does not belong and where it has no right being. I could be as nosey as I wanted in the name of suspicion or keeping the great halls of Hogwarts safe from tomfoolery and the headmaster was none the wiser. I can hardly believe the scandals I was allowed to dip my toe in! I am aware that some of my fellow faculty were suspicious of my intent when getting involved in petty drama and foolish excursions, specifically the ones who knew me thoroughly and painstakingly from my time spent at Hogwarts. At the top of that list was Professor McGonagall. Many of my former professors had the honor of awarding me their fair share of detentions, but the majority were handed out by Minerva McGonagall herself. I respected her for it because she was one of the few teachers who understood that although I caused my fair share of trouble, I also was at the top of my grade, I work harder than most of my peers, and that I had a clear picture of where I was going and I was going to let nothing stop me from getting there. That level of understanding meant a lot seeing as how she was the head of Gryffindor and I was a Slytherin preceded by a long line of death eaters. I considered her mentor. She understands raising a child you did not choose to have. I honestly believe Professor Slughorn would never have named me a prefect if not for her referral. Slughorn and I didn't really agree seeing as how we weren't the most like-minded, but I did momentarily slip into the Slug Club for one meeting. This was mostly because he was very curious as to my immense tolerance to Veritaserum, but it definitely still counts.

I learned in my first year that I had an affinity for charms and it quickly became my favorite class which made it even more meaningful when I returned to Hogwarts as the Charms Master. It was my Charms professor that suggested to me the career of Auror which I latched onto seeing it as my way to disprove that I was anything like my family.

After my first year, I was excited for summer so I could tell Sev all about my first year of Hogwarts, but my summer ended with the death of my father. I never really liked him, but it still affected me. My mother was distraught and I took over the care of Sev. I ended up missing the first two weeks of school because of it. I was excited to go back to Hogwarts because home was suffocating, but leaving was harder this time. I worried for Sev. The worst part about my father's death was that my mother pretended that he was a good father, a good person, which he wasn't. She would get mad at me when I didn't go along with it calling me ungrateful and wicked for saying such horrible things. I learned to just agree with her. I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts where I could bathe in the meaningless gossip and the trivial drama.

In my second year, I took Defense against the dark arts which further solidified that I wanted to be the auror. When Cy heard that I wanted to be an auror, he told me he also wanted to be an auror too so we could train together. Hardly anything happened for the rest of that year which was disappointing although Cy did ask me to our first school dance so "we didn't have to third-wheel." A lie. I have always had a knack for deciphering lies, but I would not figure out why until much later. Despite his reason for asking me being an excuse, I still agreed to go. This dance also officially ended our love triangle square thing because, as disgustingly sweet as it sounds, that is when Arthur and Molly started dating. It sounds funny now, but it was my entire life back when I was 12. It took my mind off of everything even if just for a little bit.

When I returned to Hogwarts the next year, I decided to change my last name to Prince. I forged a letter signed by my mother detailing that since the passing of my late father, I would now inherit my mother's maiden name, "Prince." It was questionable but I don't think the headmaster cared enough to look into it so he just accepted it. Of course, I could never tell my mother. She would have been furious. "Ungrateful child! He was your father! He deserves respect!" He deserved a lot of things and respect is not one of them.

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