Chapter Ten - I Don't Want It

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Howdy again. I'm back at literally 1am because I really wanted to post this😭I hope it's good although there may be TONS of grammar errors bc I am so tired. Fingers crossed it's okay lol

Also guys on the tired note please please please reach out if you ever find yourself in a hard spot mentally. Trust me when I tell you I've had my fair share of mental health struggles and I didn't normally have anyone to go to. It can be so helpful to talk to someone, so please reach out if you need it. I am so proud of you. You've got this.❤️❤️❤️

Recap: Massimo visits Frank

Massimo POV

The door creaks as it opens slowly. I now sit in the crusty leather chair, having previously kicked Fontaine out of here to have our meeting in private. One large guard walks in, dragging a pathetic-looking man, followed by another large guard. They force him into the seat in front of me, attaching his handcuffs to the armrests. They nod their heads at me and file out the door, taking their respective places outside.

The man seems to be in his early-mid fifties with an overgrown salt and pepper beard and scraggly hair. He's got dark circles under his eyes and his teeth are yellowing. I shudder internally, remembering this is the man my sweet boy lived with for so long.

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want? You're wasting my time." Frank spits out disgustedly. I smirk as I slowly stand from the chair. "Oh really? Do you know who I am, Frank Brandt?"

"No, and why the fuck should I?" I chuckle menacingly as I round the table to stand in front of him. I bend down, making sure to get eyes level with him. "I, am Massimo fucking Romeo, and you messed with my little brother. Now you're going to pay."

He tries to keep up the uncaring facade, but I can sense the nervousness in his eyes. "Which one? I seem to remember messing with a few?" He smirks and leans back. "Funny, Frank. Very comedic. Do you want to know what I am to you?"

He smiles, his yellow teeth showing. "Yeah sure, Matteo. Enlighten me." I quickly took hold of his greasy hair in one hand, flipping out a knife and holding it at his throat in the other. "What am I to you? I, Massimo, am your worst fucking nightmare."

~ ~ ~

I adjust my cufflinks as I exit the prison, stepping into my Bugatti and heading home. Frank has been taken care of for now **no, he's not dead, unfortunately :( at least. Now I just want to get home and spend some time with my family.

(**Shoutout to @Hope3417 for pointing out my plot hole here about Frank being in prison in Italy. For context, Massimo was able pull some strings and have Frank shipped out to an Italian prison so he could "handle" him.**)

I park in the garage and head up into the mudroom, taking off my shoes and suit coat before walking through the house and into the living room. It's late, it took a few hours to drive to the prison and back. I pause for a moment, watching my siblings in the living room. Luca sleeps on Alonzo's chest, who is also asleep. Alessio is asleep right next to him, his head on his twin's shoulder.

Marco sleeps in the chair off to the side feet up on the ottoman and head propped in his hands. Gio lays on the other side of the L couch, hands folded behind his head. The tv rolls through the credits of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (**I'm partial to that one haha I love little anakin**) and all the other lights are off.

I gently wake each of my brothers. I could lift the twins if I wanted. I am 6'5" (six foot five inches or about 196 cm) and I work out often, but I have to worry about Luca now. I lift him off Alonzo's chest before he sits up on accident and let my brothers head to bed as I take Luca up myself.

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