5 - Hiraeth

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In which she longs to
return to a home long
gone, one which she
is unable to return to


-- [Chapter 5 - Hiraeth] --

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-- [Chapter 5 - Hiraeth] --

-- [Chapter 5 - Hiraeth] --

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-- Soteria --

Soteria couldn't sleep.

"Hey," she whispered, nudging her partner. "You awake?"

"Shuddup," Mirko grumbled, turning away.

The hero stifled a groan, and continued to stare up at the empty ceiling. She wished they were filled with glow in the dark stars, much like they were back in her childhood home.

"Nee-chan!" A small boy laughed, running about a large room. "Make more stars!"

Four year-old L/N Kaoru, a chubby toddler with far too much energy.

"How about I let you fly up there, and you stick the stars," a young girl grinned.

And his sister, the seven year-old L/N Y/N, a mischievous child who often got into trouble.

Carpe Diem: Mirko x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now