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Wanna know a secret?

Wanna know a secret?

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December 2017

One by one. Crystal snow fell upon your little head, creating a winter wonderland around you. The rest danced through the cold, inviting, sending tingles to your little fingers. But recklessness dismissed the feeling as you galloped through the park. The park near your house was now covered in snow, the once familiar landscape was transformed into a magical scene.

Pure white spruce trees marched all around, adorned in a blanket of snow. Your recklessness dismissed the chilly sensation as you ran.. and ran until you were stopped by a single.. majestic tree. Its strong branches were covered in snow, and it seemed to bow, welcoming you to its wintry realm. Joy spread over your bow-shaped lips as you grinned and shouted, "Come on! You're so slow!"

"Well you calm down!"

Snow spluttered everywhere as his little black boots made an entrance. Bob cut-jet black hair bounced over his shoulders, only his emerald beanie prevented his hair from slapping his chubby cheeks. "We're here! Stop running around like an idiot!" protested the boy with hazel eyes. His breathing fast, tired from keeping pace with your excited feet.

You turned dramatically, making your brunette locks bounced effortlessly. Scrunching your nose in disgust, you winced, "A what?! Oh just you see! I will tell your mom~" Grinning mischievously, you ran 50 meters away from him and stuck out your tongue, mocking him.

As the boy stood in front of the majestic tree, he found himself tiptoeing near the crest of the frozen lake. Each step was taken with caution, as he was careful not to disturb the now solid surface. After he made sure he's steady, he pouted his wide lips with hands crossed over his chest, and glared at you in defeat. However, in a second, it already turned into a sinister grin as if he had found a way to move Earth to Mars,

"No sugar cane for today I see."

Now that's a declaration of war.

Your green eyes round in horror as a war played in your head, 'No sugar cane for today..? No sugar cane for today you say—' You saw him grinning, waiting in delight. He knew he flipped the coin right then and there. There's just no logical explanation, nor reason—to cancel a free sugar cane.

Anyways, sugar cane is sacred, sugar cane is life.

Pouting in defeat, little you recollected yourself. Still wanting to keep your pride, you crossed your hands over your chest with a smug face, mumbling,

"Maybe.. I'll let this one slide."

Finally letting out a smug smirk, the boy nodded aggressively in satisfaction before challenging you, "Whoever gets to the house first can do whatever they want!" Now his feet are planted on the snow, ready to run.

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