Chapter 6: Bracelet of Mischief

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April 2017

Sounds of fake trumpets filled the room as the boy stepped through the door, followed by fires of confetti right above his little head. Gold balloons roamed on the ceilings, and at the back center of the wall, hung ones forming letters that explained the theme.

As a piece of confetti landed on his nose, it was visible how he didn't expect any of this at all. That shock soon turned into more of a startle right when a saxophone blasted in full volume on his right ear. It worked from waking him up from his reverie—because he swiftly turned his head.. and saw you, holding the saxophone while grinning. Guilty as charged.

"Happy Birthday, Tyty!"

As if on cue, the whole room swarmed to him, congratulating him. The scene quickly unfolded with joyful Tyler standing in the center of the room. Accompanied by his parents, they blew the 11 candles that's been sitting on the Dodgers Jersey Cake. Friends and neighbors took turns in giving him gifts and wishing him good fortunes. Amidst the crowd, you slipped away to the back of the room, eager to continue whatever preparations you had started.

As Mr. Winters was about to join the line, Mrs. Winters tugged the hem of his shirt. She nodded towards running you, indicating what she meant. Just as they were about to call out to you—they saw you working on your craft, kneading and threading in dedication. Your parents chuckled in recognition as they held hands tenderly, and made their way to the line without you.

All of his invited friends lined up, giving him gifts of all kinds. Despite the array of thoughtful and creative gifts, his eyes occasionally scanned the room, seeming to be anticipating something, or.. someone.

You contemplated whether you should give your masterpiece now or later.. but—'whatever,' you thought. Finally, it's the last person's turn, and you hurriedly tiptoed to the line. While the girl handed the gift to him, he finally noticed you, giggling behind her cheekily. His face lit up instantly as he chuckled and said thank you to the girl briefly. When it's finally your turn, in tune with his excitement, you eagerly ran to him. Despite the height difference, you still attempted to reach up and mess up his hair playfully.

"Pfftt. Happy Birthday, dork!"

However, he was quick to dodge your attempts and grabbed your hand. He pulled you into a headlock, and messed your hair instead, ranting, "I was so ready to demand a burger voucher for a week straight—"

Suddenly you turned around, and your hand went to his mouth to shut him up, "Hut hut hut!" he stared at you in bewilderment as you continued, "I have a pretty good reason for my late entrance, and that's becaaause, I made you this!"

Holding a piece of bracelet in your hand, you finally showed him your masterpiece. Taking the bracelet from your hand, Tyler analyzed it with concentration. It's a black and blue string made of floss, decorated with a few dangling silvery plates.

"What in the ugly creation is this?" he critiqued as he squinted his eyes. Offended, your eyes widened in horror at his bratty response, and you couldn't help but smack his arms in frustration.

"What the?! It's a friendship bracelet, idiot!" you exclaimed, irritated by his refusal. Determined to prove your point, you shoved your hand in front of his face, revealing that you were wearing—pretty much, the same.. identical bracelet. "See?! Everybody's wearing it now!"

Tyler remained defiant, dismissing the idea with a nonchalant attitude, "Well everybody ain't me. There ain't no way I'm wearing one of those! What would the other guys think?!" Behind him, you noticed the amused reactions of both sets of parents, giggling and chuckling at the banter between the two of you. Despite their amusement, the situation left your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, frustrated by Tyler's annoying rejection.

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