Self Harm II

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To anyone this topic is sensitive please don't read plus if anyone is going through this- you are strongest person ever and you are not alone. One day you will think back of this time and think how happy you are in your present.

Request by @/IsabellaFellows1.

--From the time boy's were together.



Pressure! The one thing that is so hard to handle. When you are a celebrity you have a lot of pressure of fans and when you are pressurized to do thing by someone, it’s never good.

I can’t handle so much pressure from fans and management. Management wanted me to do things that I don’t want and Fans- I want to be the best in front of them nothing else.
Few weeks ago I accidentally cut myself in so much stress but I don’t know why I found peace in it.

Today all five of us are sitting in Modest’s office in a meeting. They talked to us about the Music video of.  ‘STEAL MY GIRL’. They were giving us labels like Mystery, love, danger etc.

“I’m not agreeing with Mystery for myself “ I said frowning. I looked at boys and they nodded.

“You are not going to tell me what to do Zayn. We are just telling you not asking you anything" the man sitting in front of us said with a smirk. The smirk that I hate and the face I will probably never forget.

I didn’t said  anything just kept my head down. My heart was aching already and this wasn’t helping. Suddenly an urge of cutting washed through my body. This urge I hate but it had started giving me peace somehow. Now I just waited to go home to my razor.

*After Reaching Home*

“I’m going to sleep” I said to the boys and went to my room. Luckily the I had bathroom in my room.

I pulled out my razor and placed three cuts on my arm. I started crying. Not due to physical pain, but due to the mental torture I was going through. A torture of becoming perfect for people. A torture done by management, making me who I am not.

I was about to make another cut suddenly the bathroom door opened. Harry. Harry was standing there. His eyes filled with pain.
“Harry-“ he didn’t let me say anything and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

“please Z don’t “ he sobbed out. I was afraid if any boy hears us.

“I-I…” I wasn’t able to say anything instead I hugged him harder like my life depends on it and started crying on his shoulder.

“It’s okay we are here. I am here Zayn.” He said and pulled out from hug. He wiped my tears and looked at my wrists, full of scars from few weeks.

I saw his face. His eyes were filled from tears which were about to fell any time.

“Give me.” He demanded and I handed him the razor. I wanted to go away from this cutting. I know this was damaging me.

He broke my razor in two parts and flushed them.

“Don’t do that Zayn again. EVER. I am here okay?” he said placing a hand on my cheeks like an brother.

I nodded tears forming in my eyes. He hugged me and I hugged him back. We both stood in each other’s embrace for a few good minutes until he broke out.

“Come on let’s bandage them” he said and I nodded. He cleaned my cuts with sprit and then bandaged them.

We moved to room and I noticed the door was closed.

“I knew something was wrong with you. I wish I could help you earlier “ he said and I sighed hugging him. He rubbed my back and I rubbed his comforting each other.

“Do you want to tell the boys?” Harry asked.
“Yes. You guys are my brothers. I’m sorry for this but I want them to know about this.” I said and he nodded.

“Don’t worry. We will go through this together Z” he said and I nodded. We cuddled with each other finally sleeping even though it was just evening.

I told the boys later about this and they all were in tears. They hugged me and said
“We will go through this together Zaynie. Don’t worry you are not alone. You have us “Always n Forever””

I knew the moment they said those words they were true and we are going to be together for ‘Always and Forever ‘


Here is it. I couldn't think of any other good idea so I wrote this. Hope you liked it!

Take Care ❤️


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