Mad Dog

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A/N: First... let's appreciate their faces cause look at them hahahahahaha
Second... Penelope's POV unless said otherwise. This Callisto x Penelope ship in here and of course the mad dog will bite back and won't let anything be tolerate. Enough is enough after all.... now please enjoy!

I can't stand it. The more I thought about it the more I felt like throwing up and running away from this family. What was this exactly? Was it normal to be living this way? NO! No matter how hard I was thinking about it. Them there was also that thing... I a person not even considered to be from that world am Penelope Eckhart now... the villainess out of every single character as well. I must have struck my one time lotery ticket here for sure. This was just soo insane that I didn't know if I should laugh or cry right now.

To make things even worse, I came from the modern times and I knew how to weild a sword as well. I would usually compete in sword dances as well as swordmanship competitions. My family was never considered to be of poor welth. In fact they were rich as hell and had to adopt someone like me just to show off their ability. A poor little orphan girl had stuck big and became cinderella over night. A dream come true.

A nightmare for me.

There was nothing glittery and good about it.

Besides this treatment that Penelope was getting was even worse. 


It's really something.

They hate her and don't care but at the same time force her to be like this....


I knew how rich people are already from experiences but this had reached a whole new area and a whole new definition for assholes. 

They are seriously out of their minds.

I need to get out of here but with all these likeability percentages... fuck it. I can't stand it!

Now I have to fear for my life as well....


I am not doing this!

Not here!

I had enough of this hellish torture in my past. 

I don't want to be beaten up, locked up and feel any kind of pain anymore.

There was one thing no one really knew. I may have been adopted back then but my so called father abused me and used me as a venting tool. I still could feel all the hits with the whip he would use. My mother was also a drunkyard and she would always throw things at me. So eating rotten food was nothing in comparison to what I felt but I couldn't stand the needle marks.

I was just glad I could act on myself and not according to the damn system. Now was my chance and my time to fight back and escape.

First be first... I needed a way to get out of here.

There had to be a way to get far away from here. 


I have to date one of these guys.... can't do with my brothers since I want to see them all burn down....

Winter would be nice.... but he will destroy me when he brings Ivonne back.

Since 3 out of 5 are out... maybe I can do Eckless?

No... where am I even able to find him? Besides he won't have the power to help me out....

Seems like Callisto is my only hope here..... not gonna lie, I played his route as Ivonne at the beginning for the first from all the other fives and tried as Penelope as well only that it got me killed soo many times.

He is not a bad person though....

Me: I believe I can do this... I should be able to melt his heart... he is a human too and he needs someone at his side too....

Especially with that kind of powerhungry mother.

I should be able to help him out and he could help me out as well... right?

Nothing is for sure...

Let's first get to meet him and thing from there on out.

If worse comes to worse, at least I will not regret chosing him to kill me at all.

It's been a couple of days already and all these days I was sitting in my room thinking about what to do. There wasn't a lot of options but the most important thing was that I had to get out of the house and out of the Eckharts family tree. I had enough of this family. For all I care it could also burn down from one day to enough and all of them could die too. 

Besides I did had a crush on Callisto. He did catch my heart while I was playing as Ivonne such a great man indeed. If ... if only I could stand by his side and be there for him... if only I could help him... and sucessfully get out of this house... that is all I wanted.

 that is all I wanted

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