she strikes

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Charlotte pov

I saw her hugging Lorenzo . He never hugged me he didn't even acknowledge me most of the time

That little bitch has every one wrapped around her finger

I've had enough

I waited till the middle of the night and tip toed to zia room

"Took you long enough" I slightly jumped at the sudden voice that belonged to zia

" Gosh you scared me! " And i plopped on the bed

" Zia ,she has everyone wrapped around her finger she even hugged Lorenzo and he didn't say anything what are we supposed to do " I whined

" I know she is starting to disturb my marriage to, she caused a fight between me antonio that little bitch " Zia exclaimed

Just then Zia phone started ringing she picked it up and her face instantly broke into a grin

" Don't worry about the money just start the plan "

Ohhh its about to get fun

Marie pov

I was walking downstairs when I heard a scream and it was an horrifying one. I ran downstairs my hand on my gun but didn't take it out

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw all my brothers head turn towards me as soon as they turned around their expression changed, terror being most evident

All off them came running towads me and formed a circle around me

One that felt like a protective shield

Just then we heard another scream and our heads snapped towards the origin of the scream

It was Charlotte and tiffany they had both of them held on gunpoint

" se li vuoi vivi, consegna quella ragazza" The guy holding them commanded in a rough tone pointing towards me

I did notice something strange something doesn't seem right

The grip. It wasn't tight enough to do any real damage they could easily break out of it.

As soon as those words hit my father and brothers ears my fathers grip tightened on me

"Never" Lorenzo replied in a deadly tone

"What are you saying lorenzo hand her over I am your MOTHER. You can't give me up for this little slut we've been here for you since day one but she wasn't" Tiffany screamed at him

But none of them faltered

Seeing this Tiffany started screaming at them blaming them for everything in her life

The men were growing tired of it all and to be fair so was everyone else

" Suit your self " After saying that the man shot Charlotte on her hand blood started pouring out of her hand

The men restraining her from moving or doing anything to Cater to her hand

She started screaming and would not stop crying

All while my brothers were dercreatly looking at each other trying to form a plan

And with that adrimano signaled and my brothers and their men started firing

All that could be heard were gunshot and screams

People were dropping like flies, bodies on the floor the house covered in blood seeing this sight Tiffany also started screeching

But no one paid attention to the man sneaking inside the house I took out my gun and in the midst of the chaos shot the two men making sure to not attract any attention towards me

And after that i ran and hid behind the table that was lifted up by my brothers

Elijah was already there shielding himself from the open fire

As soon as his eyes landed on me he came close to me and shielded me from the sight

After 15 gruesome minutes the place looked like it was painted with blood, organs and pieces of skin littred around

All that could be herad was everyones ragged breathing

I popped up my head from behind the table

My brothers and father turned toward me to expect me being freaked out but i just stood there with a shocked expression but in reality I was admiring the view

I know it sounds crazy but something about blood always fascinated me

After that they turned their gaze towards the 2 ladies

Both of the looked horrified father took small steps towards them trying to not startle them

Just then something in Tiffany snapped she looked at him with a deadly gaze aand a wicked smirk

This made her look scary like a deranged phyco who ran out of prison

And then the drama started

" You.... You call yourself my husband and vowed to protect me but yet you still choose her over me I ve done EVERYTHING. IN. MY. POWER to make you and your brtas hate her but noo, all hail to the little bitch "

And then she averted her gaze towards me and picked up a peice of glass from underneath her and pointed it towards me

" Listen here you slut I've been tolerating you since the day you were born and you are a little monster you ruin everything you ruined MY MARRIAGE, MY relationship with MY kids and I don't think I can stand you anymore "

And with that she came charging towards me I was so shocked by her words that I couldn't move she takled me down

Everyone tried to pull her off me but she wouldn't budge

She started stabbing me with the peice of glass

" I Tried framing you. Stab. ABUSING YOU. stab. ISOLATING YOU. Stab. SELLING YOU. STAB. just get the fuck out of our lives "

She kept on stabbing me and cut deeper with every word suddenly she got pulled off me

I couldn't make out much but it sounded like a slap

And then I heard one of my brothers

" Mer try to stay awake okay we will bring help please for us stay strong"

I couldn't make out who it was and tried my best but I just couldn't and gave in the darkness

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