Can't t be possible

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3rd person pov

The gracie household has been grieving for a month unabe to look at each other .

Charlotte and Tiffany are tied up in the cells but no one has paid any attention as they are the least of their worries.

Only adrimano visits her and that too just to blow some steam off.

Everyone was sitting in the living room on the order of their father. He just wanted them all to ne infront of his eyes because he felt paranoid and scared of loosing another one of his children

Suddenly a bell rang covering the whole house in its sound. Everyone heard it but no one made a move until lorenzo decided he would go and check.

He opened a door and saw a box he bent down to pick it up. He went inside and placed it on the living room table catching everyone's attention.

They all stared at the box waiting for lorenzo to open the box .

He opened the box to find a tape and a note attached to it. He read it out loud

"Watch and suffer"

They were all confused. Adriano took the tape and inserted into the slot and turned the tv on.

Tape starts

Young Marie is tied to a chair all covered in blood and in her undergarments.

Someone walked into the frame and started trailing a knife across her chest down to her private parts successfully chopping of any peice of clothing on her

All that could be heard were her screams
Her shouts

She screamed for him to stop

But that beast didn't

"No.. N. Nooo please st... Stop.. I am... Just... 7 please"

She cried and begged but no one listened no one cared

The tape stops and turns back on this time Marie was in a closed garden another kid tied to the chair

A man dressed in all black pointed at the girl and shouted at Marie

" Kill her she must be punished she stole food, she disobeyed the master"

"But she's just a kid please don't make me do this" Marie looked at him teary eyes as crying was considered a sin


he slapped Marie across her face

" You listen to me and listen close if you dare to go against my orders ever again I'll strip you down and make you walk around the campus in your shame and then fuck you until you die " He spitted at her

Trembling she got up from the ground and picked up the gun pointing it at the girl and took the safety off

The girl begged Marie " Your my best friend you . I took beatings for you and this is how you repay I hope you stay here for the rest of your life begging for them to kill yo- "


10 shots were fired all hitting the target Marie sobbed " I'm sorry but even hell is a better place than this and if I have to kill you to free you I will do it again"

And the tape goes black it turns back on again this time again in the cells but instead of a chair she is tied to the ceiling

Again a figure enters this time it drags the knife across her body and then it slashed the knife against her shoulder blade she did not make any noise

For every whimper an new stab would was created

She stayed put trying her best to not make a single sound she passed the test but at what cost

The tape goes black all thet is visible is the shadow of gracie family who are frozen in their place.

Traumatized. That's what they are

Looking at that tape the tape that revealed what his beloved daughter, their
sister went through.

The tape started again successfuly grabbing their attention

Young Charlotte was sitting with Tiffany talking in hushed tones

"Are you sure that they will only love me?" Charlotte asked

"Yes sweetheart just do as I say " She dragged the girl in the middle and started beating her up .

The girl stood in silence as she knew this was the only way she could get rid of her cousin and be the only girl of the Gracie family.

Just then Marie entered the room and seeing the young girl getting beaten up she froze . She could not fathom the fact that her mother was the one who was doing this .

She made eye concert with charlotte and then came the blood curdling scream that grabbed the atteattention of Antonio .

He entered and all he could see was his beaten up niece ,her daughter standing next to her and  her wife screaming at Marie .

The tv had gone black .

"Welp now that the cats out of the bag sup bitches "


Surprise I am back baby will come with the next chapter in a few days see you then mwah 💋💋

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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