Chapter 12

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My 6 AM alarm goes off.

I look at my phone and notice several missed calls.

All from Cheol.

Strange because the calls were logged past midnight.

Did he have an emergency?

Maybe he just pressed it by accident.

Or did he have an accident?


Still lying in bed half-asleep, I hold my phone up toward the ceiling and start typing.

"Hey, there! Sorry, I was sleeping when you called. Let me know if you need help with anything. Enjoy the weekend, nae Seungcheolie! 😘" (Enjoy the weekend, my Seungcheolie! 😘)

I quickly pressed send and put my phone down beside me, not seriously expecting a reply.

Too early, I suppose, especially if he was still awake past midnight.

Nevertheless, I wait for the sound of his reply coming in.

Hearing no alerts after several minutes, I pick up my phone again and check the message I sent. "Seen."

Squinting my eyes to clear up my vision which's still blurry from sleep, I suddenly notice the name and emoji I added at the end.

OMG! I instantly bounce out of bed in panic, now fully awake.

After a few minutes of jumping in and out of bed, pacing all over the small bedroom, not knowing exactly how to remedy the situation, I drop my limp body onto the bed.

Like I died, literally! Like my soul left and went to heaven! How I wish!

Since it's useless to unsend a "seen" message, I just need to explain if Cheol asks.

I was still sleepy, it was an honest typo, and didn't notice.

Yes...yes! That sounds good...right? No biggie!

During Cheol's birthday last year, I asked him to record a wake-up call for me.

I asked the others for voice recordings saying different versions of "Ireona, Denisse-ssi!" (Wake up, Denisse!) and compiled a complete SVT wake-up call in the order of the members' ages.

It's funny how their voices differ, especially the stark contrast when it transitions from Jeonghan's angelic and gentle prodding to Cheol's rough and bossy command.

Whenever my alarm goes off, I typically wait for all 13 voices to finish and I quickly bounce out of bed, snooze-free.

On SVT days, I take a quick shower to get an early start on my daily to-do list.

This way, I'm up and ready when my HHU needs me or the other SVT units would ask for help.

But this morning, I feel somewhat different.

Save for my early morning blunder, I feel lighter.

Gazing around the room, I practically jump when I notice something under the sheets in Sam's bed.

I almost forgot, my sister is here for the holidays.

And yesterday, she went out with Cheol for coffee.

We both retired later than usual last night.

Jeanne wasn't home when I got back from my evening stroll.

I couldn't stay awake to wait for her, having cried my eyes out twice yesterday.

Thanks to Woozi and Jeonghan, I'm in a better place today, seeing things with a fresh perspective.

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