Dark reunion

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**Authors point of view.**

A stranger came out of a room on the side of the large and empty hall, one light specifically above and the rest were particularly vanquished. The unanticipated stranger walked towards the darkness away from the lab room through the halls of the unlighted hallway giving it an edgy look. The halls got darker as they walked forward once more, a barrier was in the way. a small light came through the room once the old-looking stranger opened the door infront of them.

Everything went black after that.

"So that's all we know about what happened?" The boy asked the h/c girl infront of him, "That's all the hr said." Her head tilting down in sadness. The boy looked sad when this happened he's never seen her so sad.

"L/N..are you okay?" The black haired boy asked worried, he was genuinely worried about her. I mean a lot of accidents happen like this but this one seemed to affect her.. why?

She's always been the one to close off her feelings and never really showed them, was she really this upset about this? Her e/c orbs looked where she felt comfortable which was away from the worried boy infront of her causing a shadow to appear from her bangs. "Yes I'm perfectly fine." Y/n said before looking down at the poor old man who fell down the stairs.

This had! to be a murder.. right? There's no explanation to the rest it had to be someone causing all of these symptoms. Red veins popping out even looking like a ghost or a zombie, it just didn't make sense, they were only targeting the dark Réunion.

"I'm sure we'll find out what happened, L/n" He said with a reassuring smile before rubbing some burn cream on the victim laying down on a hospital bed in the head quarters. There were plenty of people laying down looking extremely ill meaning that more were next.

Y/n sighed dramatically before calling a nurse over to check on the old people that were clearly dying, but some had hope and others didn't which broke a lot of their family members, if they had any. People were chatting with the patients and even treating them causing some screaming, this place looked like a living disaster.

Nurses and doctors everywhere including some police men for security well-- **our** police men. We lived in an organization that wanted to take over the world but we didn't have many members now that the numbers were dropping.


you walk down the dark and echoe hall.. you than open your bedroom door, you walk into the room, closing the door behind yourself.

You take a deep breath and looks around the grey and almost empty room, other then the double screen set up she uses to watch and stalk the enemy through camras around the city and the pile of documents on diffrent suspected element users, and the mattress laying on the floor.

you walk over to the pile of books and documents, you pick one up and look at the name and picture that is on the cover "kusuo saiki? " you mumble, you dont understand why this specific document caught your eye.


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