Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

As Percy walked down the hill, he mist travelled to the alley way beside the apartment building. He took in a deep breath, before walking up to the apartment that was the one his mother and he lived in with Paul.

It had been awhile since he had seen his mother, due to the kidnapping by Hera. When he approached the door, he knocked on. He heard some shuffling and the door opened. Sally was stood there, with a small smile when she realised who it was. "Percy!" She practically yelled in joy. Percy gave a soft smile, "Hey mom." Sally moved to the side to let him in.

Percy walked in, and sat down. Soon Sally, sat opposite him and Paul, sat down. Percy was the first to speak, "Annabeth and I have split up." Sally took a moment before she spoke "What?" Her voice, full of shock. Percy took in a deep breath and told her all about the Camp Half-Blood's betrayal. Sally's face, had now shown anger.

"Mom, don't do anything rash, I am thinking of going to Olympus or to see if I can stay with dad for a bit." The demigod said, Sally gave a simple nod and then enfulged her son in a tight hug, one that would rival Tyson's. "I need to breathe." Percy struggled to get out, Sally's tight hug ended "Be safe son, do not forget to IM me" she said as she stood up and brought Percy some blue cookies and a blue Coca-Cola. "Your favourites." She smiled.

Percy thanked his mum, and grabbed the food and drinking, eating some and have a sip of his drink. He stood up "I'm going to go see my dad I think." He said as he left the house, smiling at Paul and his mother. 

Percy left the building and went back to the alley way, he looked around and made sure no mortals saw him, he then mist travelled back to camp half bloods hill, he walked in and ignored all the stares as he made his way to the beach and jumped in the sea. He swam straight down towards his father's kingdom.

As Percy swam, sea life swam all around him, greeting him as "Your highness." As the demigod approached the gates to Atlantis, one of the guards addressed Percy, "Halt, state your business." Before Percy could open his mouth to speak, the other guard recognised who it was, "Your highness, welcome to the Kingdom of Atlantis."


Percy rolled his eyes and before he swam in, he turned to the guards "Call me Percy please." The guards gave a simple nod as Percy made his way in. Percy decided to explore a bit, he swam towards the market that was in the centre, just outside the Palace. The market was full of life, merchants selling all sorts, from food to spare weapons. Nobody in the market had noticed Percy, the demigod swam up to the Palace's grand doors and pushed them open. The palace was also full of life, from merpeople to sea life. Guards were at every major exit especially the entrance, to the throne room.

As Percy swam to the throne room, the guards didn't stop him but opened the doors for him. Percy entered the grand throne room. In the centre, of the throne room was a throne made of Coral, one the left was a smaller one as well as on the right. Sat on the centre throne, was Poseidon with Amphitrite on his right, and the Prince of Atlantis, Poseidon's messenger, Triton was sat on the left. All 3 were in the middle of talking when Percy had entered the Throne room.

Poseidon had noticed Percy, "Percy! My boy, what brings you here?" The god had asked seeing his demi-god son. Percy let out a heavy sigh before telling him how camp had betrayed him. Before, Percy could tell his father, not to do anything, Poseidon had already summoned a massive wave over the camp.

As the wave had loomed over Camp, thunder boomed in the distance, showing that Zeus had summoned the council. Without asking, Poseidon hoped down from his throne and made Percy come to Olympus with him. As Poseidon flashed them, Percy had closed his eyes. As they arrived, Poseidon sat on his throne. Poseidon's throne was made of gray/green white streaked marble. The arms were sea beasts and he sat on a black seal skin. It was decorated with coral, gold chips and pearls.

Zeus scowled at Poseidon then Percy "would someone care to explain, why there is a 15ft wave over Camp Half-Blood?" Poseidon sighed and spoke "I will, the wave is there as the camp have betrayed my son, and the Athenian spawn cheated on him."
Athena yelled "Don't you even dare lie. My daughter wouldn't do that!" Percy sighed "Lords and Ladies, what my father says is true. If you can summon Lady Iris, I shall allow her to show you the memories." He said simply.

Hera, summoned Iris. As the Goddess of Rainbows appeared, Zeus asked "Iris can you show us the memories of young Perseus here?" Iris, thought for a second "Of course mi'lord." She went over and Percy let her into his memories.

A screen appeared, Percy's memories showed up from the daughter of Hecate showing up, all the betrayals and finally showed the scene of Annabeth making out with Ellie. The gods all looked at him, "Poseidon, I understand your anger but please drop the wave." Hestia's kind voice came. Poseidon did as she said.
Percy turned back to the council "Lord and Ladies, I won't be staying at Camp anymore however if the council agrees, I shall stay with Poseidon at Atlantis." The council discussed it and Zeus spoke up "We allow it. Council dismissed."

Poseidon grabbed Percy's arm and flashed them back to Atlantis. Amphitrite and Triton were still on their thrones as the god and his son arrived, Poseidon turned to his wife and godly son. "Percy will be staying with us for now." Amphitrite and Triton had a scowl on their faces as they didn't get on with Percy as he was an affair baby.


Poseidon lead Percy to his room, Percy turned to his dad "Dad, can I get a new weapon made as Riptide brings back too many weapons." Poseidon nodded "Think of a weapon, and go to the forges tomorrow." Percy nodded and smiled and settled into his new room. The room had a king sized bed, the walls were blue, there was a desk, and a stand for his armour.

Poseidon went back to the throne room and told his wife and godly son, that he wanted them to get on with Percy.

Percy laid down in his bed and sighed, his life had taken a major downhill but maybe for once, it was finally going to become good. He thought of a weapon, he would want to use instead of riptide, he thought for awhile and decided he would get a smaller version of his father's trident.
As Percy laid back even more, his eyes started to shut and he drifted off to sleep. For once, the demigod didn't have dreams or nightmares, he had a peaceful sleep.

As Percy woke up in the morning, he did his morning routine of showering, brushing his teeth and getting dressed. Once he was ready, he made his way to the forges of Atlantis. As he approached, the Cyclops there asked "What can i get for you, demigod?" Percy looked at the Cyclops, "May I get a trident, styled after Poseidon's please?"

The Cyclops nodded, "It shall be done in a weeks time." Percy smiled, nodding. He went to the throne room, he decided he wanted to build a bond with Amphitrite and Triton.

Amphitrite was the only one there, "Lady Amphitrite, I know you don't like me as I am an example of an affair however I would like to try and bond with you, so you can become my Step-mother." Amphitrite thought for awhile, then nodded "Yes, we shall spend time together."

Percy and Amphitrite, spent a few hours getting to know each other. After awhile, Poseidon walked in, and smiled seeing the two get on. Poseidon spoke "Percy, you will be training with Triton and myself." Percy nodded "My new weapon will be a Trident."

Poseidon nodded and smiled, "Shall we go spend some father, son time together?" Percy nodded and left with his dad. The god showed Percy all around the kingdom and parts of the sea outside of the kingdom, they went to Lunch in one of the Cafes within the kingdom.

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