Chapter 12

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After Percy and Hestia finished sharing their smile, Hestia had summoned a breakfast for them both, it was a simple scrambled eggs, Percy ate up and thanked her then took his leave for New Rome again, however before he could leave, the whole Olympian council flashed into their thrones. Zeus looked at his nephew "Perseu- Percy stay" The god corrected himself. The demigod, looked at Zeus and nodded, he sat under his father's throne.

Artemis spoke "Recently the hunt and I have been noticing more monster camps that are semi-organised, it is possible the fact that we are on the verge of another war." Percy let out a sigh however it wasn't as quiet as he thought as the council's eyes bore into him, "The camps have just fought against each other, what makes you think they will work together to fight a new threat even if it means the demigods would no longer exist." Percy stated, Athena looked at him and nodded; "That is where my plan comes in, you Percy will be in charge of uniting the two camps again, they shall learn to forgive but not forget. Just like you did." Percy stared straight back at the wisdom goddess "And if I refuse?" he challenged, "Then Perseus, you will have to watch as former friends and current friends and possibly us and the mortals all burn."

Percy sighed again, "Fine, but bring the camps to the throne room. Make them unarmed and summon a table with enjoy chairs, I just want the cabin heads and the praetors as well as one centurion from every cohort, also I would like to request all the gods expect Lady Artemis and Lady Hestia to leave, Hestia to calm everyone and Lady Artemis as well everyone respects or fears her." The gods talked about it and agreed to Percy's terms. Hermes was tasked with bringing everyone that Percy had been requested from CHB, Annabeth, Jason, Katie, Clarisse, both Stoll twins, Nico (Who Hades had forced), Will, Piper and a few more, Thalia came to fill in for Artemis' seat as the Hunters Lt. From Camp Jupiter: Frank, Hazel, Michael Kahale, Ida, Hank, Leila and Dakota. Once, everyone was there they were glaring daggers at each other, "Sit." Percy commanded, everyone did as he said.


Percy sat at the head of the table, Artemis and Hestia were sat on their thrones, Percy spoke "The reason you are all here is that Lady Artemis reported to the Olympian council that monsters have been making camp together and are semi- what organised." Thalia nodded and said what Percy had said was true. Percy spoke "This means there is possibly another war coming our way and to ensure our survival and the gods survival we need to forgive but not forget and work together." As Percy finished talking, the table erupted into yelling, however Artemis walked over "Shut the Hades up!" And just like that the demigods all shut up. Nico spoke up "Percy is right for any of us to survive another war we need to forgive and not forget and train together, the Romans have many tactics that would be useful to the Greeks, so I motion that we elect Percy in charge. All those agreeing raise your hands." Nico, Thalia, the whole Roman delegation raised their hands, the Greeks seemed to think for a few minutes but eventually Annabeth lead the Greeks by raising her hand first.

"That settles that then, Thalia you shall take the hunters to Camp Half-Blood, Praetors Frank and Hazel you shall tell the legion that they are going to Camp Half-Blood and any arguments tell them I, Lady Diana shall deal with them. Greeks will go back to CHB and will prep the Camp for the hunters and legion's arrival, Perseus shall join the Romans, I shall inform Lupa to be there with her pack as they can help us train everyone alongside the senior campers and Chiron, I shall also come to help Hermes/Mercury to transport all Romans, including Veterans to the Greek camp." They all nodded and set off like Artemis told them. Percy thanked the two goddess before vapour travelling back to Camp Jupiter.

As the Roman delegation and Percy arrived at Camp Jupiter, Frank set the centurions to gather the whole of the camp and the Veterans from New Rome onto the field of Mars. Percy looked around and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a large sliver eyed, dark grey furred wolf, Percy and the rest of the Romans that had gathered "Lady Lupa." After greeting Lupa, the rest of her pack appeared, suddenly there was a sliver blinding light which everyone looked away to avoid being blinded, both Lady Diana and Lord Mercury had arrived, Hazel spoke "Milord and Milady everyone is gathered as you can see and is ready to be transported." The two gods nodded and flashed the 700 strong legion to the amphitheatre, where all the Greek campers were waiting, once they were there, both Artemis and Hermes left for Olympus, Lupa sent her pack to the hunter's cabin as they had Artemis permission to stay there while Lupa went to the stage with Percy where Chiron was. Percy looked to the combined demigod force of around 1250, there was roughly 500 Greek demigods and 50 hunters of Artemis.

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