Chapter 13

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-A few more weeks later-

Still no more monster attacks, the demigods and gods started to be suspicious as no attacks had happened for around 7 weeks. However, everyone was still training hard and ready at a moment's notice.

In Tartarus, by the Styx's banks, Pallas was stood waiting, he was waiting for his wife to emerge in her godly form, one she took very rarely. She stood 10ft tall, her eyes were as black as obsidian, her hair was black and curly. Her lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara were all expertly done in shades of midnight, her eyes gleamed with hatred, she wore a purple and black dress. "Finally." Is the all the river goddess had said, she gave her husband an evil smile, "Let's give those bastard Olympians some havoc." Pallas nodded, he transported himself, Styx and their army to the base of CHB hill.

As the 5,000 strong army of monsters emerged on the hill with the Titan Pallas and Goddess Styx appeared behind them, the camps battle horn was sounded. After it was sounded the 1,250 strong demigod force. The first line was the shield users, behind them were rows of sword users, then spear users, the hunters and archers were in trees and hidden in bushes, some of the medics were in the infirmary, while others were setting up field stations, everyone was armed expect the under 14, anyone under the age of 10 was hidden away in bunker 9, with Leo staying guard.

Hold!" Percy yelled, the monsters started to move forward, the demigods were outside the barrier of the camp. "Don't move until Frank or I give the order so Hold!" He yelled again, the demigods tightened their grips and as the monsters started to run up against the shields, "Archers now!" Frank yelled, the archers started to rain arrows down on the monsters, Percy and Frank looked at each other, "Break formation and attack!" Frank yelled, the demigods did that, they battle started to break out, Percy and Nico were fighting back to back like a circle of death. Percy spotted Pallas and Styx at the bottom, the titan and goddess were watching and not fighting. The Archers were picking off any stray monsters. Annabeth and Piper were helping protect the medics slicing through any monster that came their way, suddenly a roar was hear. The Nemean lion was on the battlefield. "Thalia!" Percy shouted, Thalia looked over and saw the beast, she ran over to her two cousins. Percy spoke "I shall distract it, Thalia you try and get arrows into its eyes and Neeks, you throw your sword into the throat of the beast, got it?" he asked, the two nodded, Percy being Percy ran straight at it and got onto its back, he started to use riptide to slice at the beasts skin, Thalia started to shoot arrows into the beasts eyes, however the beast kept shutting them, however Percy managed to get the beasts eyes open for a split second, Thalia threw her spear into its eyes and while she did that Nico's sword went flying into the beasts mouth, it the disappeared into dust, Percy fell hard onto the floor. Percy dusted himself and re-joined the fight. Will, and some other medics under the cover of the archers and Annabeth and Piper started to get injured campers back into the borders of the camp. The once 5,000 strong monster army were down to its finally 100, which consisted of hellhounds, Telekhines, Empousa and the Minotaur and some cyclops.

Thalia spotted the Minotaur, she gathered her spear back and pointed it to the sky "Father, bless me with lighting to take this monster out." The sky started to go black and lighting struck the beast. Nico, Frank, Hazel all worked on taking out some hellhounds. Suddenly, Pallas and Styx stalked forward, "Perseus Jackson!" Pallas yelled out. As the demigods, finished off the army, Percy ordered them all back into the borders. Percy then turned to the Titan and goddess, "Pallas, Lady Styx." Thalia sent a quick pray to Artemis and in a sudden, a sliver light appeared and there was Artemis next to Percy. Percy smirked and ran straight at the Titan, he rolled out of the way of any of the Titans attacks, he started to charge forward with riptide. He started to swing at the Titan, he got a few good blows to the Titans legs, he then ran and jumped but as he did, he was swatted away like a fly. "Fuck!" He yelled as he hit the ground.

Artemis was in close combat with her hunting knives out, fighting Styx. The two goddess' fight was close with both getting hits on each other, she noticed Percy's fight not going so well, so she fell back and started to use her bow against the goddess, she got lucky and managed to hit Styx, forcing her to reform. Percy got back up and shook his head at Artemis, he thought back to what he did to the goddess of misery in Tartarus, he remembered what he promised to Annabeth but decided to break it. He started to focus on the ichor in Pallas' body, he started to shut it down and as he did the Titan crumbled to his knees and started to beg for mercy, Percy however carried on, he soon stopped once the Titan in front of him was nothing but dust. Percy then collapsed onto the floor out of exhaustion. Frank, came over and picked him up and carried him to the infirmary.

Percy was fed some ambrosia then he got up and walked to the rest of the demigods and hunters, "How many did we lose?" he asked, "10 hunters, and 50 Greeks as well as 50 Romans." Chiron answered, Percy nodded "We shall send them off tonight then, I want to make a speech at dinner."

---skip to dinner—

Percy stood up, "Demigods, everyone fought very well today. The loses we took today won't be forgotten, they fought well and Olympus stands once again, I hope we can now repair the two camps relationships and possibly even merge under one camp. Now, we rest up, we will send of our killed later this evening instead of a campfire on the lake."

In the evening, everyone was gathered by the lake. The pyres were sent out and light on fire, everyone bowed their heads slightly. After, all the dead were sent off, everyone went back to their cabins.

--few weeks later, Olympus—

All the demigods where in the throne room, all sat on chairs that Hestia had summoned for them all. Zeus looked at them "Thank you all, for banding together and fighting on our behalf, we wouldn't be here today, if you hadn't so Athena has decided it would be best if we merge the two camps, at the current Camp Half-blood location, my grand-daughter Annabeth Chase shall be in charge of making up the camp and city for the new Greco-Roman camp." Annabeth's face lit up "Yes milord." Zeus then carried on speaking "And from the moment, I am getting rid of the ancient laws so we can have relationships with our demigod children and now onto the main reward." Zeus finished speaking, Poseidon took over "Perseus Jackson, my son step forward." Percy bowed to Zeus then his father, Poseidon spoke "For your valiant effort of leading the demigod war and reuniting the two camps, I once again offer you godhood and to become my Lt and become the 2nd in line to my throne after Triton." Percy looked around at everyone that was once his friends and then Zeus spoke "Remember, I am lifting the laws so you will be able to make amends with the campers." Percy looked at the gods and goddess, his eyes lingered on Hestia, he had forgotten one key person, his mother Sally. "I will only accept if my mother, Sally Blofis-Jackson can join us on Olympus so she can watch." The Gods and Goddess thought for a few minutes, Hestia then spoke up "Of course, I shall fetch her." Within a few minutes, Hestia had arrived with his mother. "Percy!" Sally yelled and hugged him, "Stand back please mom." Percy said to her then turned to his father "I accept father!" Poseidon sent a blue orb to Percy, Percy who stumbled back then fell flat on his ass, got up after 10 mins. The fates appeared "All Hail Perseus, minor god of the sea and protector of demigods." Percy nodded and sat under his father's throne, that's when Hestia took Sally back and Apollo and Mr. D yelled "Party Time!"

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