The Last Breath

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Katsuki's feet beet against the ground and an old shack sat at the trail end. It was familiar; he felt drawn to this place, but why? Was someone there waiting? Did he want to find out?

Katsuki's feet never stopped, his hand touching the wood door. A sense of deja vu was leaving goosebumps over his arms. He pushed the door, waiting for something. But all he saw was Izuku sitting on the floor.

Izuku looked up, his eyes weary and dreadful. This place was full of such excellent memories yet, such sadness. The two boys looked at one another, neither moving. Izuku looked away, trying to hide from this warped reality. Katsuki took a step inside, the goosebumps easing from his skin. He sat down next to his friend. Could he even call him that?

Katsuki hung his head, "Tell me."

The words were so simple yet stern. Izuku hummed, his voice still caught in his throat. How was he supposed to tell his best friend he was in love? Not only that but in love with Katsuki. His childhood friend is the one that made him sick. The person he loved cared, but was it too late? Could they even be together?


Katsuki looked at the ground, his lips zipped shut. Katsuki was right. He was the reason that Izuku was sick. All this time, he could've done something. And now Izuku could die: the person he needed the most was gonna die. The shack felt heavy, and both boys struggled to speak. Each in his own world of thoughts. A sigh fell from both boys Katsuki looked up. Izuku smiled...

Even in times like these, he could still smile.

"I'm sorry," Katsuki muttered, hands dragging through his locks.

Izuku reached over, placing his hand on Katsuki's arm. The two sat, both wondering where to go. Neither knows how to handle the world around them. Were they dying? Could they even save each other? Was it too late?

"It's okay," Izuku said, rubbing soft circles on Katsuki's arm.

"Is it? You could die, and I don't..." Katsuki trailed off, putting his forehead against his knees. "I don't know. I'm supposed to know. I'm supposed to save people, and I can't protect people I care about."

Izuku just sighed, leaning against Katsuki," Can we be together? Here and now. I might not make it, but I can't do this alone."

Izuku hummed, wrapping his arms around the ladder. Katsuki didn't move, his heart racing, and he didn't feel so alone. The world that was crumbling under his fingertips wasn't shattering. The piece he was searching for was no longer hidden.

"Okay," was faintly muttered, Katsuki leaning into Izuku.



"Heartbeat is steady," Recovery Girl said, her eyes flashing towards Almight. "Did you know?"

"I had no idea. Do you think the boys will be okay?"

"I don't know yet."

The two lay in separate beds, their heart bears connected yet somehow distant. The two adults looked at the adolescents, praying to anyone listening that the two would survive.


The two boys huddled against one another. They were acting as if they needed to conserve body heat. Pressed to one another, fearing they may disappear at any moment.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked, closing his eyes, trying to find the strength to ask.

"What," Katsuki hummed.

"I love you. Please tell me you love me too. Even if it isn't true."

Katsuki pulled Izuku impossibly close, his own heart racing. Did Izuku really think that Katsuki didn't love him? All those years pushing Izuku away, what was it even for? He never meant any of it. He couldn't protect Izuku forever. But right now, that's all he could do.

"I love you."


Izuku's heart rate began to slow. Recovery girl and Allmight looked at the monitor. No tears were shed at Izuku's bedside. The sound of a flatline is one no one wants to hear. The way your heart drops to your stomach, the world darkens. There is no way out, it seems.

The room got colder, clouds filling the sky. Those innocent cherry blossoms fell off the trees more rapidly than ever. The rain pounded against the window, leaves sticking to the window.

Recovery girl pried Izuku out of the room, trying to ignore the sound of Katsuki's heart rate slowing. A pale sheet was set a top of Izuku's body, the day closing with a bitter end.


Izuku's grip on Katsuki loosened, and the greenette fell asleep. Katsuki looked down at his friend, absent-mindedly running his fingers through the other's hair. Patting sounds echoed through the shed.

Katsuki relaxed, his own heart rate slowing. Izuku's eyes were struggling to stay open. The two stared at one another; they felt like it was the end.

"Hey, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, pressing his body into Katsuki.

"Yes?" Katsuki cupped Izuku's cheek, trying to keep him awake.

"I don't think I'm making it out of here."

"Don't say that!"

"Why?" Izuku's eyes welled with tears. "It's useless. I can't keep fighting; every muscle is aching, and my heart is slowing. I can feel myself giving up."

Katsuki wiped the tears from Izuku's eyes, his own morality showing its ugly face. "I can't make it without you. I've tried all these years, yet I've never felt fulfilled. I need you, please."

Izuku laughed and intertwined their fingers, rubbing his thumb over Katsuki's knuckles. His ability to grip was fading faster than they anticipated, but that didn't stop him from trying. His body felt cold, trembling beneath the clothes he wore.

Katsuki felt a tear trickle down his cheek. He needed Izuku to tell him it would be okay, even if he didn't believe it. At least if Izuku said it, Katsuki may be able to move on. Maybe he could survive.

"Kacchan. I have loved you since we were little kids. You have grown so much; you have always been someone I've admired and wanted to be. You have to make it for me. Become the number one hero, the dream we've had since we were kids. For me."


"Don't. I will forever love you and be with you. It's too late for me, but I know there's so much left for you. Live a great life; I'll be waiting at the end of the tunnel. I'll see you soon." Izuku's eyes fluttered closed, and every mechanism in his body shut down.

"Deku-" Katsuki called, shaking the man next to him. "Izuku no. Please don't. Please!"


Katuki's eyes opened, the beeping of his heart monitor ringing. No light kissing his cheeks; his heart sank as he realized what this meant. 'I'll never see him again.' Tears ran down his face as Katsuki searched for Izuku.

The only thing he could see was two adults. Neither of whom seemed happy. The days were cold and bland. Personality drained from everything as Katsuki took a deep breath.


Hey guys, my initial intention was not to kill them or kill them both. I'm sorry, but I promise I still love you.

Have a great day/ night, and I hope to see you again.

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