Hurt Comfort

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Izuku sighed and knocked Recovery Girl's hand away, not wanting to be touched. He looked at her with genuine anger and determination. He was holding back the tears that were welling up in the back of his eyes. The elderly woman cocked a brow at his behavior. She had never seen him so emotionally turmoil. He usually was very open and emotional, but now he looked distressed.

Izuku sniffed and his head began aching from the pent-up rage. He refused to cry over Kacchan yet again. 'He doesn't deserve my tears again. He never deserved them in the first place. God Izuku, why did I have to love him?' Izuku looked away from Recovery Girl, not wanting to see her judging face when he spilled the beans.

"I'm not receiving the surgery. I recall the person I remain in love with won't embrace me. I cherish him, though. I idolize him too much to forget about him. I aspire to be just like him and become a hero. I wish he believed the same."

Recovery Girl analyzed Izuku's speech to the best of her ability. She knew he and Katsuki maintained a messy relationship, but that didn't mean it couldn't be bound. Midoriya was a clever boy, so why did he select such a drastic choice. She knew whatever she expressed wouldn't alter the teen's mind. She placed her hand on Izuku's arms, rubbing soft circles. 'I wish I could aid you.'


Katsuki paced around his room, anxiously cleaning. He was trying not to ruin everything with the sparks flying off his hands. He clenched his jaw until it hurt, trying to distract himself from Izuku in any way he could.

Mina sat on his bed and surveyed his pace. 'I know you're worried Kats, I wish you would allow me help. I don't know how to induce you to feel better. The lone person who could maybe distract you would be Kirishima. I have a feeling you don't want to consider him right now, though.'

"Kat," She called, finally having enough of his pacing. "Come sit. I'm over here to listen."

Katsuki stopped reorganizing his collection of All Might comics and caused them to fall on the table. He didn't want to talk with her, but he knew she could help. He sat on the bed, crossing his legs to prevent bouncing them.

"I know you're distressed, but can you try and tell me why?"

"I'm concerned because the last time I witnessed someone cough like that, they didn't make it much longer."

"Were you close with that person?"

"You could say."

"Okay. Are you frightened Midoriya suffers from the condition?"

"He looks like they did. The way his skin was paling Ash, he looked like a cancer patient. I know I'm an asshole to him, but it's because I'm envious of him. He has constantly kept that stupid determined smile on his face no matter what. I know I would never make it without him. I would never have gotten where I am without him. Therefore I can't accept him dying on me."

Mina looked at the blonde, her eye's mirroring the blonde's emotions. Even though the two were close, it was still was difficult for Ashido to differ how Katsuki was feeling. Mina leaned over and clutched Bakugou's face in her hands.

Katsuki's eyes widened, and he wanted to pull away from the touch but didn't. He was used to the subtle taps from the group but, this didn't feel right. Bakugou placed his hands over Mina's and pulled the pink, cold hands off his face.

"Please don't touch me," he muttered, placing her hands down.

Mina nodded her head and jerked her hands away. The two sat in silence for a while, Ashido not knowing what to do or affirm the blonde. Mina knew Katsuki hatted being vulnerable and didn't like to cry; Let alone around someone else.

"Can I give you a hug, Kats?"

Bakugou nodded and allowed the girl... no, his friend to console him.


Izuku sniffled and reached for his phone. The device had barely budged since the morning. Midoriya opened it, not bothering to check the time; it's not like it mattered anyway. He went through his contacts looking for Kacchan, not sure if he even had one. He couldn't even remember if he and Katsuki shared numbers. Why would they? They were "enemies" after all. After a minute or two of scrolling, Izuku gave up and just decided to text Ochaco.

hey, I was wondering if you could tell Kacchan recovery girl and I are done talking.

Yeah, yeah.

The brunette rolled her eyes. Why are they so obsessed with each other all of a sudden? I thought they hated one another. Ochaco got up from the couch and started walking to the blonde's dorm.


Ochaco hastily knocked on the door, waiting for a yell or some acknowledgment of the noise. After some time, she opened it, looking in the room to see if the blonde was there.

Katsuki sat on his bed with Mina, the girl still trying to comfort him. Ashido had Bakugou's head in her chest, slowly rocking him back and forth. Mina looked over toward the door as she noticed more light pouring into the room than usual. She waved Ochaco in.

The brunette walked in, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, avoiding any eye contact she could possibly make with the blonde. Ashido whispered something to him, making Katsuki sit up.

"What?" He growled, his swollen red eyes piercing into hers.

"Deku texted me." She paused, looking at Ashido for help. "He said he and recovery girl were done talking. You can go see him."


Hey, hey, hey yall! I'm back! Sorry for the slow updates. I'm not gonna make any promises for the future. Thanks for reading!

Also, my loves, are we doing okay? Have you eaten? Drank water? I'm proud of you either way! If you haven't heard it today, I love you! Now go have a good day/night!

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