A Normal Life

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Denji slowly opened his eyes being woken up by rays of light piercing through the blinds was annoying but there wasn't much he could do. He felt like he had a massive weight on his body, his vision slowly began to clearer and he noticed a body laying on top of him her strawberry-blonde hair in a tangled mess, her horns a few inches from his neck, and a pool of drool forming on his chest. He gently tries to nudge her off.

"Power we need to get up. We have school and so does Nayuta" Power simply mumbles something before wrapping an arm around Denji's head.

"I don wanna go, i wanna shay her wit you" Denji sighed and tried to nudge her off again

"Power... As much as I want to stay in bed all day we need to go to school, and so does Nayuta" Denji moved her arm from around his head and was finally able to flip her over. His face was mere inches from hers, he could smell her breath...

"Power! Your breath stinks you so did not brush your teeth last night!" Denji sits up and get's off of her moving out of the bed. Power shook her head sleepily and frowned.

"I did. Ask Nayuta she saw!"

"You did not! I can smell last night's dinner on your breath and I don't care what Nayuta says you probably asked her to cover for you!" Denji begins poking Power's face. Power tried to move her face away while swatting at his hand.

"I diiid! I swear it! You dare call me a liar!" She says this as she begins to sit up. Denji looks at her and sniffs before making a gagging motion.

"You are lying!"


"Are to!"

"Am not!" Their bedroom door swings open and a short girl can be seen in the door way her dark hair in a long braid falling over her shoulder.

"Can you two be quiet... I was trying to sleep." Nayuta rubbed her eyes and looked at the two Denji looked at her before pointing a finger and shouting.

"Did Power brush her teeth last night? Answer truthfully!" Nayuta shrugged and went knuckle deep in her nose.


Denji snapped his head back at Power

"HA! I caught you!" Power sat up and pointed at Nayuta

"Liar! Dirty little liar! You said you would have my back!" Nayuta shrugged and walked over to Denji before tugging on his shirt lightly.

"Make me food"

"Yeah yeah, I will. Just give me a minute to get changed out of my pj's" Denji responded gently rubbing Nayuta's head. Nayuta gave a peace sign before walking out and slamming the door shut. Denji sighed before opening a closet and handing Power her school uniform.

"You too. Get dressed"

Power looked at him before huffing.

"I was going to!" Denji simply shook his head and took his pj's off, putting on his school uniform before going to help Power with hers. Power complained while he helped saying how stupid it is to have to wear a uniform for something as simple as school. Denji simply sighed and helped her get dressed. Before going into the kitchen, Power followed close behind.

"Nayuta, you dressed yet?" He knocked on her door

"Yup!" She swung the door open and walked out.

"I want pancakes for breakfast! with ice cream!" The short girl pumped her fist in the air. Power heard the words "Ice cream" and joined in pumping her fist with Nayuta. Denji sighed before going to the kitchen.

"Only one scoop for both of you! No more until after school!" He pulled out a pint of ice cream and two bowls before scooping one scoop of ice cream into both of them gently setting them down on the table.

"Awww. Why only one?" Nayuta pouted crossing her arms and looking at Denji.

"Yeah! Explain yourself, foul human!" Power shouted pointing at Denji.

"Because you two can't have an entire pint of ice cream every morning! It's too expensive!" Denji also heard somewhere that too much ice cream can be bad but he disregarded the fact. Nayuta and Power have certainly had worse. Power definitely.

"If the mere cost of the ice cream is that high then I will get a job to help purchase ice cream!" Power jumped up and down cheering her own name. Nayuta followed suit calling Power the best and how their gonna be rich now. Denji simply sighed and began making the pancakes they asked for.

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