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Sonics pov 4 years later

I woke up this morning to the sound of mrs dark calling down to break fast "sonic breakfast is ready" so i ran down the stairs and sat at the table and was greeted by a plate of sausages an egg, bacon and toast "sonic don't forget it's your first day at school today" said shadow sleepily "yeah, shadow is it boring?" Sonic asked
Third person pov

After sonic and shadow got to school shadow was greeted by some of his friends but sonic just sat at a bench where no one was but after a few minutes of sitting alone a mysterious voice said "follow me" sonic did not say anything and obeyed so they were greeted by a blocked of part of of the school where no one went to and the mysterious figure revealed his name "im scourge whats your name" sonic confused accidentally answered his name "sonic" then the figure pinned sonic to the wall "sonic eh" scourge said mysteriously "shado-" he screamed before he could finish scourge slammed his hand over sonics mouth "he don't like you the reason he is your friends is to eventually hurt you" he said while smirking tears came down sonics eyes 'is this true does he hate me no but how does scourge know' sonic thought to him self. When scourge let go they both walked away. When shadow saw sonic he ran over knelt down and but both hands on sonics shoulders "where were you are you ok"shadow asked frantically sonic said nothing and nudged shadows hands of. Shadow just knelt there surprised. After the day finished shadow went to get sonic sonic came with shadow but as far away as he could after they got in the house sonic ran upstairs and locked the door to his and shadows room. After a few hours mrs dark who sonic could now call mommy called up but there wasn't an answer the mom got scared and sent shadow up with the key to the door he first nocked then he let himself in but to his surprise he wasn't there but the window was open he was in shock he shouted down and explaining what happened then he noticed a note he read it out loud "dear shadow and mommy i raN aWay becAuse a bOy saiD thAT shadoW didN't liKe mE aNd WaNted to hurt Me.

Sonadow on the streetsWhere stories live. Discover now