Rem's Powers & Abilities

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Title- Devil of Chrysanthemum

Buckler Shield

Buckler Shield

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God Arcs-

Biting Edge(Turns into an Assault Gun)

Variant Scythe(Turns into a Sniper Gun)

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Variant Scythe(Turns into a Sniper Gun)

Variant Scythe(Turns into a Sniper Gun)

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Charge Spear(Turns into a Shotgun)

Charge Spear(Turns into a Shotgun)

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Burst Mode(Burst refers to a state or mode in which a God Eater becomes empowered in numerous ways. A God Eater is in Burst so long as the Burst level is atleast 1. There are 3 levels of Burst and the higher the Burst level, the stronger the effects gained from Burst)

Engage Mode(It is a phenomenon where two people are in close combat with each other. An "Engage Percentage" gauge rises up whenever you fight together with a teammate within a certain range. Once the gauge is full, you can trigger an "Engage Effect")

Published: 8/25/23

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