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Rem Clive never expected this. He had expected to just wake up in his bedroom where he lived out his days as an Otaku shutin.

But instead he woke up in a completely different room that didn't look anything like his room.

He looked around at the room which looked like it came out of a SCI-FI series.

"Where am I? And How did I even get here?" He thought to himself as he got off the bed

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"Where am I? And How did I even get here?" He thought to himself as he got off the bed

Deciding that waiting around wouldn't help him get any answers he quietly left the room while not noticing that there was a small spider like Drone watching him from the ceiling as he left the bedroom.

As he was leaving the bedroom he was walking through the halls while looking around finding it to also have a SCI-FI look to it.

"This is so strange, Where even am I?" He asked to himself with confused look on his face

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"This is so strange, Where even am I?" He asked to himself with confused look on his face

"That's something we're wondering too" A voice said startling him as he turned around

"W-Who's there..?" Rem asked startled

"Woah, woah easy, didn't mean to scare you there" The person said as it was revealed to be a boy with dark hair, next to him was a girl in a Shrine Maiden outfit

"Probably shouldn't have snook up on him Gin" The girl said as she had a hand on her hip with a sigh

"Sorry Otome" Gin said sheepishly

"Sorry Otome" Gin said sheepishly

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Titan Force Book 1: The Rising of the Titan Force Where stories live. Discover now