My mother's car was flying down the twisting lanes, dodging the chickens that had taken a stroll from the farm on the corner. The dark clouds rolled over the hills as the summer sun began to merge into autumn and students prepared for the new academic year. The new year was now upon us and the traffic drove on as life flew by with boxes piled up on the seat next to me. I love boarding school: truly. Every drama or tv show paints the picture of boarding school being a prison as young students are shackled by the pressures of their parents and the pain of disregard and neglect. Fair. That is generally the case. Especially with some of the rich snobs at my school. Many parents have more money than sense and in the general the students are fucked up in the head. To be fair though, attendance is around 95% on average, student behaviour is almost perfect and the standard of teaching is far greater than state school. Boarding school was my idea and my plan. My father always believed in the private education system but it was me that applied for a boarding scholarship. I would be lying if I said that I enjoyed being at home but I mustn't complain too much since some other children my age are a lot worse off. I don't get on with my father at all. He irritates me to the end of the earth, speaking down to me, ordering me around. It's hard to explain unless In great detail but eventually the time will come in my story when you hear all about it. My mother was my best friend: always has been and always shall be. However, we fell out a while ago and our bond hasn't been the same. The truth is that she always takes my sister's side. Cliche ... I know. But when your mother walks upstairs to see your sister on top of you banging your head against the wall then surely the person at fault is clear. But noooooo.... I was the one to blame. "Why was my sister on top of me?, " you may ask. WELL...
.. I asked her to move her laundry. I am such a cruel sister (note the British sarcasm). That led her to attacking me. Sure, every story has two sides but you will never be able to hear her side of it because this is my story. You as the reader will have to trust that I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Ever since that fateful day my mother and I hadn't been so close. And well my sister... ughhhh. She makes my blood boil. Her non existent work ethic, pure stupidity, immaturity, inability to stand still and everything to follow in the mile long list gets to me.
I digress:- the journey to school took a beautiful route. It would be slightly more beautiful if my sister's scraggly hair wasn't blocking it from the seat in front. Nevertheless, I admired what I could. I sat in the back as I enjoyed the solitude, watching the rain begin to sweep over the scenery from the distance. A haze lay over the moist grass merging into fog as seconds passed. Our car passed by some girls riding horses down the grass verge and I noticed a beautiful robin nestling into a bush by the traffic lights. I thought to myself - "what a day to be alive." I sipped on my coffee taking in the chill of the emerging autumn. I pushed back the stream of profanities forming in the back of my mind as I realised that my boarding house mistress would have my head if she found out that I was still drinking coffee at this time. It was around 5pm and she set me a new rule that coffee was banned after 5pm. This was after she discovered my obsession with the blissfully bitter substance. I gulped it down as the car pulled up to the stone pillars of the boarding house that I was to stay in for the year. The house was right beneath the hill of the town. A beautiful spot for someone like me.
Hello people reading my story.
This chapter is rather short since I doubt it will catch the interest of many and I just wanted to get something out there for people to critique me on before I continue.Can anyone reading guess my mbti btw? 😂😂
So, You Have Paws?
Romanzi rosa / ChickLitA girl in the final year of sixth form/year 13/senior year (I think... soz not from US) meets a guy that just so happens to be a werewolf and alpha of the nearby pack. She is human and he is .... well... a wolf.