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Gold's Pov:

"Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!" Abel said as I put all my force into one arm as we arm wrestled....
"Sorry! Did I hurt you?" I asked as I stopped.
"How are you this strong?!" he squirmed out as he tried flexing his arm a bit just for it not to get better.

"Fuck! Now I feel bad for Luke last night if your force is that strong!" Abel whined trying to ease the pain in his hand.
"Last night-You heard as well?!" I said to which Dax and Lucy laughed.

"I'd say heard in quite the understatement HAHA!" Dax said bumping his elbow into the already suffering Abel.

"Sorry Abel...Ever since I got here i've-" I said before Abel put a finger over my lips with his working hand. "I'm going to need you to follow me for a bit..." Abel said getting up as we moved away from everybody else.

Once we got into an empty hallway, Abel began speaking.
"Gold...Have you gotten any other powers?" Abel asked and I shook my head. "I don't know. Ever since this morning, it's been weird...." I said to which Abel sighed.

"This morning I added a little...something to your pancakes so that it would speed up your process. I didn't think it would go this fast though..." Abel grumbled.

"I didn't know strength would be something you'd have because usually everyone gets one power coming down here, but you seem to have multiple." He explained.

"Uhh, actually. I've always been able to carry Spring..." I said to which he turned to me.
"What?!" he said clearly shocked.
"He's only slightly lighter now, but he's always been pretty easy to carry. Even before this morning he had been easy to carry." I explained and caused a pretty amusing reaction from Abel.

"....Remind me to never make you angry." he said quietly making me chuckle.

"But i've had other instances of different things as well. For example before me and Spring left, I was suddenly in the kitchen and you were asking Dax if he was ok." I said as his eyes widened once more.

"That would explain why his eyes turned black for a second..." he mumbled but I was still able to hear him.

"Do you think it's another power?" I asked and he nodded. It seems to me that you seem to posses powers most don't have. Usually there is a marking on your body that would indicate how many powers you have such as odd patterns wether it be scratches, fur, length change, and other indicators" he said.

"But all of these keep happening randomly and it's been overwhelming dealing with them." I said clearly frustrated.

"Sadly I can't really help since you are usually trained by your own species. Though, all the ones i've seen have had only around 2-3 powers."

"What am I suppose to do then?!" I asked not knowing if i'd get better or not at controlling these powers.

"What I can do is try to help, but I can't guarantee you'd get better if not teached properly." he explained.

"Fine, i'd still like to try, plus aren't you suppose to be powerful as fuck?" I said and Abel nodded.

"Well yes, but I use magic just like everyone else here, except you don't use magic. You can use these powers naturally with no consequence which makes you guys death gods to many people."

Hell's Golden Couple [Goldtrap Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now