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Springtrap's Pov:

I woke up sweating....
He leave......

I looked around me, Felix was nowhere to be seen. I looked around as it looked like I was on my bed...Did Gold bring me here?

I was glad I had woken up, but now I can't really avoid it now...I....
I have to tell Gold. All I hope is that...he tries to forgive me.

I got off from the bed and realized it was the next day. felt shorter than I thought it was...

Walking out of the bedroom, I saw how the halls were kinda empty....
They always were but today they seemed...odd.

Walking into the kitchen, Dad and Dax were making food. "Oh, hi dad. Hi Dax" I said as it got their attention. "Oh, Luke. I thought you went with Gold to go on a walk." Dad said.

"Nah I slept in." I said. "But uhh, when did he leave" I asked. Dad stopped to think about it.
"When Lucy told me....roughly around 3 hours ago." Dad said.

"Oh ok." I said before waving him goodbye and leaving the kitchen calmly. I started running towards the entrance the second they couldn't see me.

Gone for 3 hours?! What the hell happened?!

I started to panic running over to the entrance. What if something happened to Gold. Just as I was about to turn towards the entrance-
"OW!" I groaned as I bumped into someone turning the corner falling down in the process

When I looked up at who I hit, it was Gold!
"Gold!" I said hugging the bear. "Springtrap! W-why are you being so clingy?" Gold said a little surprised.

"What?" I asked because Gold was never like this when I would be 'clingy'. "N-nothing...It's just...a lot happened this morning." Gold explained looking exhausted.

"Do you....want to talk about it?" I asked. Gold shook his head no in response. "No need to, it's all over the news by now..." Gold mumbled making me worry.

"The news?! What the hell happened-"
"I don't want to talk about what happened!" he snapped at me before he turned around quick and rushed inside the bathroom.
"......." I just stayed silent.

I waited outside the bathroom for him. He didn't look so ok...

Gold's Pov:

I ran inside the bathroom locking the bathroom as I shut the door. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing as my tail began to grow as well as my teeth growing sharper. "No no no no!" I mumbled to myself trying to calm myself down.

"I'm not one of them...i'm not one of them..." I mumbled to myself keeping my breath steady.

I didn't want to turn into the beast that could potentially kill people...That little girl... one of them was able to kill her...

What if I turn into that beast and kill someone...I...I...What would I even do?....

Opening my eyes I saw as my tail was back to normal...well as normal as it could be.

My teeth on the other hand remained pointy and sharp. What?
They shouldn't be like that unless i'm in my beast form....

Hell's Golden Couple [Goldtrap Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now