Rekindled Guilt And Regrets - Part 1

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Regrets and Guilts almost never seem to stay unless you no longer have the source of those regrets and guilts.

Once that source leaves, there is a good chance that those thoughts and emotions leave you as well.

But once that source comes back into your life, it is very much possible for those emotions to come back once again.

Gold's Pov:

I awoke feeling cold, but warm at the same time...
Slowly opening my eyes, I saw that I was on top of Spring. My eyes widened once I remembered what happened last night.

I don't remember ever pulling does that mean that we're....
I looked around me and surely enough, we were in the same position we were in last night. I quickly pulled out to which Spring groaned before waking up. There is no way we stayed in that position all night?!!!!

Spring woke up before realizing what position he had been in. It didn't help that I was struggling to put my pants back on. For once his brain put 2 and 2 together and also realized what had happened. But unlike me, he stayed chill and relaxed back on the bed.

"Goooooooldieee....get back on the bed..." he groaned as I finished pulling my pants up. "Spring you do realize what we did last night, right?" I asked to which he groaned an "Mhm"

"I realize my ass hurts, you're hot as fuck, and that you are rough in bed." he said making me blush on the last two.

"I-I-No! You also realize I never pulled out, right? We stayed like that all night." I said finishing up with buttoning my shirt.

"Oh. Don't matter...Can we cuddle?" he said whining like a baby. He was reaching both hands out to me and doing the things babies do when they want to grab something.

"You're such a baby." I teased to which he groaned in response. "Just come over here already..." he groaned and I agreed before hopping back on the bed.

He cuddled into my chest before sighing. "I liked it when you went rough but tone it down next time..." he said making me cough a bit as I wasn't expecting him to say that so randomly.

"You're the one who told me to go harder!" I replied back slightly annoyed. "Oh....I forgot. Now you got me horny again-" he said before I interrupted him.
"Forget about it." I said blatantly to which he got off my chest and sat upright on the bed.

I did the same and looked at him giving a deadpanned stare. "C'moooon" he said whining again. "No i'm not going to fuck you again. Plus, we stink right now. Let's just shower and go make breakfast." I said getting up and moving over to the showers.

Before I could get into the bathroom, I realized that Spring was reaching out for me while reaching out for his towel...I forgot he can't walk right now.

"Are you planning on showering with me?" I asked hoping he would say no.

"Mmm, maybe..." he said putting down his towel before he began stripping his clothes. I decided that I could ask him for a pair of clothes later.

I had just realized in my mind that he was going to shower with me....
"'re going to shower...with me?" I asked in a not so confident way despite trying my hardest not to feel embarrassed.

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