Destiny will Return

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~Okinawa, Japan~

In and out. In and out. In and out. "I see you are meditating, Destiny-san." Opening my eyes I find my  sensei approaching. My name is Destiny LaRusso. Yes as in daughter of the two time All-Valley Champion Daniel LaRusso. I have a twin sister named Samantha or Sam for short, and a younger brother Anthony. For the past few years I've been studying abroad in Japan. Now it's finally time to return home. "You are flying home soon." 

"Yes it seems like almost yesterday I arrived in Japan. A big eyed little kid who wanted to see where Mr. Miyagi grew up. Now I'm returning home and it almost feels almost foreign. Like I'm returning to a strange land." 

"Yes home sometimes doesn't always feel like home," my sensei says to me. "However, you must not forget home is what you make it especially with family." 

"I guess you're right. I heard an old rivalry was relit between my father and someone from high school."

"Ah yes rivalry seems to be a thing with Daniel-san." I turn to my sensei. 

"I forgot that you and my dad had a rivalry at one point. Although, if you two were to meet now I think you two would bury the hatchet."

"Maybe, but enough about the past I think you can do me the honor of allowing me to teach you one last lesson." 

"I'll be honored, sensei." We started walking back to the dojo. "Sensei, may I ask you a question?"

"You have already asked one but go ahead," he agrees. I roll my eyes with amusement. 

"Why did you agree to train me? I mean you and my father didn't leave each other on good terms." 

"Many problems your father and I had back then. Blame him for a lot of mine I did. Learned now that was not the case. You came to the showcase with curiosity, I saw the same drive I saw in your father. Then I saw you at an open competition, you fight much like your father. And like your father you didn't know everything Miyagi Do has to offer. I took it upon myself to teach you that Miyagi Do is more than just defence. Come now, mustn't be late for class." A smile graces my lips. Just like sensei to be punctual.

~A few days later in California~

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~A few days later in California~

Daniel LaRusso was trying to make sure everything was perfect for his daughter's return. Basically he was running around panicking and nitpicking at everything. "Everything has to be perfect," Daniel mumbles under his breath. His daughter Sam was standing back and watching her father basically lose his mind. Robbie, Daniel's karate student, walks up beside her. Confused at his sensei's panicked state. 

"What's up with Mr. LaRusso?" Robbie asked Sam. 

"My sister is coming back from Japan today," Sam answers. "My dad is panicking trying to make sure everything is perfect once she gets home." 

"I didn't know you had a sister." 

"Destiny has been studying abroad for the past couple of years," she explained. "My dad won't admit it but she's dad's favorite. She's also the best when it comes to karate. They used to call her the karate queen." 

"So do you think she'll join your dad's class. I mean wasn't your dad your sensei, so I think it would be the same for her." 

"I don't know, she was always good at karate. She told me she was also studying karate in Japan. Although it wouldn't surprise me if she did." Sam's mother soon joins them.

"Is he still panicking?" she asked the kids. 

"Yep," Sam confirms. Amanda sighs and goes to calm down her husband. 

"Daniel, don't you think you're going a little overboard," she asks her husband. The man sighs seeing that she may be right. 

"You're right," he concedes. "It's just she's been gone for so long I just want everything to be perfect once she gets here." 

"And it will be. But you need to bring it down a couple levels or you are going to smother the girl." 

"I know it's just I fear things just won't be the same." 

"Daniel, she's always been your little girl. If anything she'll be ecstatic once she gets home." He gives her a content smile. 

"You're right as always." They give each other a quick kiss before going their separate ways. 

~At Cobra Kai~

The students were talking about entering the All-Valley tournament. Eli Moskowitz, now known as Hawk, was going through Instagram when he noticed a post. "Woah, Destiny is coming back to California," he announces. 

"No way, I thought she was still in Japan," Aisha adds. 

"Who's Destiny?" Miguel asks. 

"We forgot you don't know about her. She's Sam's twin sister," Aisha explains, "she's been studying abroad in Japan." 

"Sam never talked about a sister."

"Destiny is completely different from Sam," Hawk iterates. "I mean Destiny is highly protective of her friends. I remember her punching a kid for making fun of a friend of hers." 

"Does she do karate?" Miguel asked. 

"She doesn't do karate she is the queen of karate. I was invited to one of her competitions once. The other guys didn't stand against her." 

"Is she going to compete in the All-Valley?" Hawk shrugs in response.

"I hope she doesn't cause we would never stand a chance." 

"What kind of talk is that?!" an adult male voice interrupted them. They turn to find their sensei, Johnny Lawrence. 

"We were just talking about an old friend of ours that's returning," Aisha explains. 

"So what's the big deal if this guy comes back?" Johnny asks, not getting what the big deal was. 

"He is a she and she is Destiny LaRusso," Hawk points out, "and she is known to be a karate prodigy." 

"Still don't get what's the big deal."

"The big deal?! The big deal is that she is seen as a karate prodigy. There were even news articles about it. There's no way we can beat her if she joins All-Valley. We might as well quit now." 

"Quiet!" Johnny yells at them. "Cobra Kai will not lose to a LaRusso. Even if she does enter we will show her no mercy. Am I understood!"

"Yes sensei!" they all reply back. Johnny walks off to finish the paperwork for All-Valley.

"We're all doomed," Hawk says in defeat. 

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