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Destiny's P.O.V. 

I've been back in Cali for a few weeks now. After a lot of convincing my parents allowed me to get a job at a local japanese restaurant. It was family owned and almost everyone spoke japanese. After learning that I can speak japanese I was hired on the spot. I also found out I went to school with their son Kenji Hasegawa. 

I was getting ready to go to work when I heard a commotion outside

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I was getting ready to go to work when I heard a commotion outside. Looking outside my window to find a man around my dad's age drives up on a motorcycle. What in the world is going on? Going downstairs to find Anthony looking out towards the pool. "What's going on?" I asked my brother. 

"Dad is about to fight this guy!" he exclaims with excitement. Rolling my eyes as I know this can't end well. 

"Anthony, Destiny, go inside," dad tells us. 

"Listen to your dad kids," the other guy says cockily. "You're not going to want to see this." That gets my dad angry.

"Mom!" I call out knowing that she will put a stop to this nonsense. 

"What is going on?" mom asks when she arrives. 

"Dad is about to fight this guy," Anthony answers. 

"Amanda, please just go inside," dad suggests. "This is between me and Sensei Lawrence." 

"Yeah, you two seem to have this pretty well in hand," mom says sarcastically, "a couple of grown men about to kick each other into the pool? As much as I would love to watch you and your childhood karate rival duke it out, kinda don't want to get blood on the patio. So, what do you say we resolve this over some breakfast instead?"

"You want to go inside?" dad asked him. 

"I could eat," Johnny concedes.  

"Come on," mom ushers both Anthony and me inside with Johnny and dad following behind us. I take a seat next to my dad who sits across from Johnny. My mom serves each of us a plate of eggs and assorted fruit. "Don't forget that you promised Yuki to go shopping," she reminds me. 

"I know, we decided to go shopping around my work," I tell her. "Shiro might drive us back home once I'm done for the day." 

"Good, I'm glad you have friends here." We smile at each other as we haven't really had time to really converse. She takes her seat at the head of the table noticing the obvious tension between dad and Johnny. "So, Johnny, I hear you run a dojo," she tries to start a conversation. "That's nice."

"Yeah it was nice until your husband got my rent doubled," he points out. 

"Ok, you spray painted a dick on my face," my dad points out. 

"You tried to get me banned from All Valley," Johnny retorts. 

"Ok guys lets not do this," mom tries to intervene. 

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