The Return

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Destiny steps onto the porch of a familiar house. "I'm finally home," she mumbles under her breath. With a deep breath she knocks on the door. Not even a second later it burst open. She finds her father with a bright smile. 

"Look at you," he says, "you grew up." 

"We have to do it sometime dad. I think I see some grey hair there," she teases. Letting out a laugh before taking her into his arms. "I missed you." 

"Missed you too troublemaker. Now let's go see what your mom and siblings are up to." Daniel leads his daughter to where the rest of the family were. "Look who finally showed up," he announced enthusiastically. 

"Destiny!" Sam shouts in excitement. The two siblings hug the life out of each other. "I missed you so much." 

"So did I," Destiny agrees. "I can't wait to see everyone again." Daniel smiles at his daughters reunion. 

"Anthony come say hi to your sister," he instructs his son. The boy walks up to his sister. 

"Well well well finally took some time away from your screen,"  Destiny jokes likely. 

"It's good to see you sis," Anthony barely greets. This causes the girl to roll her eyes at her younger sibling. 

The siblings couldn't be any more different from each other. Sam was always the girly girl. She loved going shopping and to the spa. Wanting to learn all the latest fashion trends and what boy band is popular. Living a lavish lifestyle has caused her to lack empathy at times. Forgetting to observe things through others point of view. Destiny wasn't as interested in girly things like Sam. She would rather learn a new kata then go shopping. Both girls are kind and intelligent; however, Destiny was known to be more blunt about her opinions. Destiny was also passionate about dance. She was part of her local dance team when she studied abroad. Also unlike Sam, she continued to learn karate. Daniel would always joke it's in her blood. Anthony couldn't be more different from the girls. He took no interest in karate and would rather play games on his electronics. He was known to be rude and a bit mean. He also had with respect when it came to family. Destiny was the only one he was scared of backlash from. 

Daniel sighs as he expected that his son wouldn't properly greet his sibling. "Des, come meet my new student." He guides her over to Robby. "Robby, this is my daughter Destiny. Destiny, meet Robby. I feel you two will get along swimmingly." Robby noticed she looked different from her siblings. Actually she looked the most similar to her father. Sam looked a lot like her mother and Anthony was a mixture of both parents. Destiny was the only one who shared her father's tan skin and the same smirk. 

"It's nice to meet you," Robby holds his hand out. Destiny gives it a firm shake in return. 

"So you're my dad's student. I hope he hasn't been too hard on you," she jokes. 

"Yeah he's a good teacher. Are you going to join us?" 

"Uhm no, I have my own dojo I was a part of in Japan. My mentor is coming here to continue my training." 

"That's too bad, it would have been interesting to have another Larusso around." She scoffs amusingly. 

"You wouldn't be able to handle me," she says with a smirk. He smirks back at her. 

"I think I handle myself well," he says back. Color her impressed, not many can keep up with her banter. 

"Alright you two," Daniel breaks it up. "Why don't you go ahead and unpack?" he suggests it to his daughter. "While I go ahead and teach Robby what it means to have balance." 

"Good luck with that," she says before going with her father's suggestion. Daniel shakes his head as he misses her banter.  

"Come on kids I have the dojo set up for your new lesson." The two follow their sensei to the dojo. 

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