All Valley Pt. 2

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Ally was the first of us to compete. "Let's go Ally!" I cheered. Her opponent was very agile but so was she. With a spin kick to her opponent she lands her last point. We all cheer as the ref announces her the winner. "Good job," I tell her. 

"He was good but I was better," Ally remarks. 

"Must not lose focus," sensei warns her, "won one battle still many more to go." I was next and well would it be considered lucky or unlucky my opponent is Cobra Kai. 

"Don't let him land a point," Shiro tells me. 

"I'll do my best," I state back. 

"Let's go Destiny," my dad cheers. A smile spreads across my face. It's been a while since I had my parents at one of my competitions. I usually had Shiro and Yuki as my personal cheerleaders. Stepping onto the mat trying to shake off any nerves before it begins. Getting into position not giving anything away. The Cobra Kai student gets into position also. 

"Face me bow. Face each other bow. Fighting positions. Ready?" the judge double checks. "Fight!" Neither of us move at first. 

"Let him come to you," sensei instructs in japanese. He finds it easier to communicate instructions to me in japanese. It might be due to training mostly in japan and being used to hearing the instructions in japanese rather than english. Following his instructions I let my opponent strike first. 

He throws a punch which I immediately block before sending a reverse punch his way. My fist makes contact with his ribs. "Stop! Point Larusso." 

"That's my girl!" my dad cheers. 

"Let's go Destiny!" Sam cheers after him. 

"It's alright," Johnny encouraged his student. "Don't let her get anymore points." 

"Show them what you got!" Ally shouts pumping her fist into the air. Getting back into position ready to switch things up. My opponent gets into position also. It was easy to tell he wasn't happy about losing the first point. Guess this is what dad warned me about. 

"Ready? Fight." Not letting him strike first by throwing a roundhouse kick. Of course he blocks it as expected. (a/n: it's been a while since I practiced karate myself so I apologize for any inaccuracies in the tournament scenes)

"Don't let her get a hit in!" Johnny coaches. I keep throwing punches at him in succession. He finally misses a block allowing me to land a point. 

"Stop. Point Larusso." 

"The score is 2-0."

"Atta girl," Ally claps. "You just need to get the last point." Rolling my neck to loosen the tensions in my shoulders. 

"Don't get cocky," Shiro warns me. With a nod I go back to mark observing the tension spreading through his body. My guess is he'll throw relentless punches and kicks in rapid succession. His anger will get the better of him. 

"Ready? Fight!" Like I predicted he throws everything he can at me. In response I either block or dodge. 

"Look for any opening," sensei instructs. He favors his left side so the opening is on his right. I quickly shift myself when he throws a kick to the right front kicking him in the stomach before he can respond to my dodge. 

"Stop. Point Larusso. Winner." My dojo cheers in victory as that's our second victory. 

"That's my girl!" dad cheers. 

"Destiny Larusso of Golden Tigers will move on to the semi-finals." Joining my dojo on the sidelines. 

"You did good," sensei compliments. "Let the boy dance around too much though. Remember it is karate not dance battle." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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