Chapter 16: The guild war

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It was beautiful day at Magnolia as we find Y/n at the library and picking out books so he can read with Lucy and Levy as he choice out the girls favourite books and once that he heads over to the front desk for the books to be stamped. The Liberian is surprised to see someone  taking soo many books but she shrugged and goes her job.

Y/n: (thought) I hope Lucy and Levy like the books I will bring for them to read. This will be a great to read pur favourite books together in such a nice day. Maybe we can read them at the park.

Once done he leaves the library with a happy mood but when he came outside he noticed several people looking at him with pity which confused him a bit as he heads to the guild while eyes were looking at him.

Y/n: (thought) Huh I know books are long to read but does anyone have to look at me with pity because of it?

He keep on walking and soon he arrived at the guild as he set the books down so he can open the door.

Y/n: (smile) I bet everyone will be surprised once I come with a pile of books to rea-

He then looks ahead and froze in shock when he sees the guild Hall have metal pillars shot out as he stood there shocked.

Y/n: (shocked) Who did this?

Dillon: Bro!

He turn to see the other riders came up to him as Y/n tells them.

Y/n: Guys what happened to the guild?

Dillon: We believe Phantom did this.

Y/n: Phantom? Who is Phantom?



The riders walk down the steps to the basement where the other fairy tail members are now at as they sat there with disbelief to how this would happen to their guild and how the Phantom Lords would do such a thing.

Y/n can see how sadden they are and then he turn to the riders and ask them.

Y/n: So who are the Phantom Lords? Are they a dark guild?

Robert: No. They are a guild but both Fairy Tail and the Phantom Lords are rivals. Both guilds hated each other for reasons.

William: They're just a bunch of jerks who tries to mess with Fairy Tail and us sometimes. But never suspected this would happen. They've gone too far now.

Andrew: True but no one was here when I happened. It seems it happen when we all left for the night.

Y/n: At least that's good to hear.

Natsu: (angry) We can't just sit here and do nothing?!

They turn to see Natsu's group as Natsu argues to Makarov who is seen to be drunk so Sophia was there to calm Natsu so the riders came up.

Y/n: You all okay?

Erza: We're okay. We saw the guild damage when we came back from our job.

Lucy: It's awful for another guild to do this.

Gray: That's how Phantom does.

Natsu: (angry) And that's why need to head over there and make them pay!

Sophia: I understand your anger Natsu but we can't do that. We're just gonna start a war and we can't afford that.

Michael: Is Master Logos going to do something about this?

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